omdazz spartan-6 board examples
Stupid blinking leds, just to verify toolchain.
xilinx ise env must be sourced and makefile is in build directory.
. /home/opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/
cd build
I use a raspberry pi for that task with urjtag
rp gpios must be connected to omdazz fitting to the cable options ( numbers are gpio nubmbers not pin numbers)
cable gpio tms=25 tdi=7 tdo=8 tck=24
Initializing GPIO JTAG Chain
jtag> detect
IR length: 6
Chain length: 1
Device Id: 01000100000000000010000010010011 (0x44002093)
Manufacturer: Xilinx (0x093)
Part(0): xc6slx16 (0x4002)
Unknown stepping! (0100) (/usr/local/share/urjtag/xilinx/xc6slx16/STEPPINGS)
This can be fixed by
adding 0100 xc6slx16 4
into /usr/local/share/urjtag/xilinx/xc6slx16/STEPPINGS
( Is unknowen if this is the correct way to fix this - thats why not commited into urjtag)