The Slashinator is a NodeJS application to listen to budget alerts in GCP and remove the project from the billing account to ensure that the project is not charged for any further usage. This is useful for personal projects that should not exceed a certain budget.
Run these commands to create a pub/sub topics for your events, create a service account for the Slashinator to use and grant it the required permissions to remove projects from the billing account. Then enable the billing budget api and create a budget with the pub/sub notification channel.
Enable the required APIs and create the pub/sub topic and budget.
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT_ID
Create the pub/sub topic and budget alert.
gcloud pubsub topics create budget-alerts --project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud billing budgets create --billing-account=$BILLING_ACCOUNT \
--display-name="<my_project>-alert" \
--budget-amount=10.0GBP \
--notifications-rule-pubsub-topic=projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/budget-alerts \
--calendar-period=month \
--threshold-rule=percent=0.90,basis=current-spend \
Create the service account and grant it the required permissions.
gcloud iam service-accounts create cf-slashinator --project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud beta billing accounts add-iam-policy-binding $BILLING_ACCOUNT \
--member=serviceAccount:cf-slashinator@$ \
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding $ORGANIZATION_ID \
--member=serviceAccount:cf-slashinator@$ \
Then deploy the Slashinator to Cloud Functions.
gcloud functions deploy billing-alerts \
--entry-point=slashinator \
--runtime=nodejs18 \
--trigger-topic=budget-alerts \
--service-account=cf-slashinator@$ \
--region=europe-west2 \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
After deployment of the function, post a message to the topic to test the function.
"budgetDisplayName": "<projectId>-alert",
"costAmount": 10.1,
"costIntervalStart": "2021-02-01T08:00:00Z",
"budgetAmount": 10.0,
"budgetAmountType": "SPECIFIED_AMOUNT",
"alertThresholdExceeded": 1.0,
"currencyCode": "GBP"
gcloud pubsub topics publish budget-alerts --message='{
"budgetDisplayName": "<projectId>-alert",
"costAmount": 10.1,
"costIntervalStart": "2021-02-01T08:00:00Z",
"budgetAmount": 10.0,
"budgetAmountType": "SPECIFIED_AMOUNT",
"alertThresholdExceeded": 1.0,
"currencyCode": "GBP"
"message": {
"attributes": {
"billingAccountId": "01D4EE-079462-DFD6EC",
"budgetId": "de72f49d-779b-4945-a127-4d6ce8def0bb",
"schemaVersion": "1.0"
"data": {
"budgetDisplayName": "My Personal Budget",
"costAmount": 140.321,
"costIntervalStart": "2021-02-01T08:00:00Z",
"budgetAmount": 152.557,
"budgetAmountType": "SPECIFIED_AMOUNT",
"alertThresholdExceeded": 0.9,
"forecastThresholdExceeded": 0.2,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"messageId": "136969346945"
"subscription": "projects/myproject/subscriptions/budgets-alerts-subscription"