[i18n] [#786 ] Backfill the missing translations (some from Google Translate).
[CHANGE] [#795 ] Loosen and update jquery-rails.
[CHANGE] [#792 ] Content with .preserve-whitespace should wrap.
[BUGFIX] [#611 ] Javascript: Fix row-click handler.
[CHANGE] [#569 ] Loosen normalize-rails required version.
[DOC] [#532 ] Add a short section about how to report vulnerabilities.
[CHANGE] [#784 ] Drop refills as a dependency.
[CHANGE] [#784 ] Change bourbon to be at least beta.6.
[FEATURE] [#505 ] let routes generator indent all routes.
[FEATURE] [#746 ] Add suffix/postfix option to number field.
[DOC] [#508 ] Add example of how to use a custom field.
[i18n] [#602 ] Adding Portuguese locale.
[i18n] [#603 ] Update
[CHANGE] [#634 ] Add and set PLURAL_MANY_COUNT to 2.1.
[DOC] [#684 ] Add instructions on how to add dashboards.
[FEATURE] [#780 ] Add Sentry for the prototype app.
[i18n] [#772 ] Merge the existing translations before testing.
[DOC] [#783 ] Change README to use 0.4.0
[DOC] [#778 ] Clarify the version requirements.
[DOC] [#779 ] Update .rubocop.yml to follow thoughtbot/guides.
[DOC] [#781 ] Update readme screenshot.
[BUGFIX] [#559 ] Fix #558 : Wrong constant name guess.
[DOC] [#769 ] Mention guides in doc/ subdirectory.
[DOC] [#469 ] Path to custom attribute type updated in docs.
[CHANGE] [#774 ] Update Kaminari ~> 0.16
-> >= 1.0
[DOC] [#776 ] Include docs in gem (via gemspec file listing).
[DOC] [#540 ] example on how to use custom file types.
[CHANGE] [#767 ] Add auto-prefixer.
[i18n] [#344 ] Add missing translations on edit/new/show actions.
[i18n] [#344 ] Add some action translations to administrate.en.
[i18n] [#344 ] Add some action translations to
[DOC] [#457 ] Document how to change resource labels in collections.
[FEATURE] [#466 ] Allow preloading has_many records.
[i18n] [#764 ] Add Korean i18n.
[FEATURE] [#597 ] Allow to limit route actions.
[BUGFIX] [#687 ] Fix broken sort arrow svg in the resource table.
[DOC] [#627 ] add doc for customizing admin dashboard layouts.
[BUGFIX] [#642 ] Add missing multiplier option for number fields.
[BUGFIX] [#465 ] Inline controller's permitted_attributes
[FEATURE] [#760 ] Add refills and refill-styled flashes.
[FEATURE] [#736 ] Paginate has_many show view.
[CHANGE] [#759 ] Update instances of bourbon to 5.0.0.beta.7; sass to ~>3.4.
You can’t perform that action at this time.