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download us data from FRED
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Thore Kockerols authored and Thore Kockerols committed Sep 23, 2024
1 parent 8973dff commit eae4ae9
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Showing 2 changed files with 172 additions and 31 deletions.
134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions test/download_data.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
using Downloads
using CSV
using DataFrames
import Dates
using AxisKeys

function download_fred_data(series_names::Vector{String};
all_data = DataFrame()

for series_name in series_names
# Construct the URL for the FRED series data
url = "$series_name/downloaddata/$series_name.csv"

# Download the CSV data from the URL
http_response =

# Convert the downloaded data into a DataFrame
data =, DataFrame)

# Add a column for the series name
data[!, :series_name] .= series_name

# Append to the final DataFrame
all_data = vcat(all_data, data)

# Sort the DataFrame by date
sort!(all_data, [:series_name, :DATE])

if quarterly_only
# Filter to include only quarterly data (1st of Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)
quarterly_dates = filter(row -> Dates.month(row.DATE) in [1, 4, 7, 10], all_data)
all_data = quarterly_dates

if wide_format
# Pivot the DataFrame to wide format
# all_data_wide = unstack(all_data, :DATE, :series_name, :VALUE)
all_data_wide = unstack(all_data, :series_name, :DATE, :VALUE)
return all_data_wide
return all_data

# p37
# p48

series = ["GDPC1","GDPC96","CE16OV","HOANBS","HOABS","AWHNONAG","FEDFUNDS","PRS85006152","PRS84006152","FPI","B007RG3Q086SBEA","GDPDEF","PRS85006023","PRS84006023","COMPRNFB","COMPNFB","PCECC96","CNP16OV"]
# Example usage:
df = download_fred_data(series, wide_format = false, quarterly_only = true)

all_data_wide = unstack(df, :DATE, :series_name, :VALUE)
sort!(all_data_wide, :DATE)

all_data_wide.interest_rate = @. ((all_data_wide.FEDFUNDS / 100 + 1) ^.25 - 1) * 100

all_data_wide.real_GDP_per_capita = all_data_wide.GDPC1 ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV
all_data_wide.real_GDP_per_capita_growth = [missing; diff(all_data_wide.real_GDP_per_capita) ./ all_data_wide.real_GDP_per_capita[1:end-1] * 100]

all_data_wide.inflation = [missing; diff(all_data_wide.GDPDEF) ./ all_data_wide.GDPDEF[1:end-1] * 100]

all_data_wide.real_investment_per_capita = all_data_wide.FPI ./ all_data_wide.B007RG3Q086SBEA ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV
all_data_wide.real_investment_per_capita_growth = [missing; diff(all_data_wide.real_investment_per_capita) ./ all_data_wide.real_investment_per_capita[1:end-1] * 100]

all_data_wide.real_consumption_per_capita = all_data_wide.PCECC96 ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV
all_data_wide.real_consumption_per_capita_growth = [missing; diff(all_data_wide.real_consumption_per_capita) ./ all_data_wide.real_consumption_per_capita[1:end-1] * 100]

all_data_wide.hours_worked = log.(all_data_wide.PRS85006023 .* all_data_wide.CE16OV ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV) .* 100 .- 415 # 415 is about the average for the original sample

all_data_wide.real_wage_per_capita_growth = @. ((all_data_wide.PRS85006152 / 100 + 1) ^.25 - 1) * 100

subset_data_wide = all_data_wide[:,[:DATE,

complete_subset_data_wide = subset_data_wide[completecases(subset_data_wide),:]

CSV.write("us_data.csv", complete_subset_data_wide)

data = KeyedArray(Float64.(Matrix(complete_subset_data_wide[:, Not(:DATE)])'), Variable = Symbol.(names(complete_subset_data_wide)[2:end]), Time = complete_subset_data_wide[:, :DATE])

# declare observables as written in model
observables = [:dy, :dc, :dinve, :labobs, :pinfobs, :dwobs, :robs] # note that :dw was renamed to :dwobs in linear model in order to avoid confusion with nonlinear model

data = rekey(data, :Variable => observables)

# all_data_wide.hours_worked = all_data_wide.PRS84006023 .* all_data_wide.CE16OV ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV
# all_data_wide.hours_worked = all_data_wide.AWHNONAG .* all_data_wide.CE16OV ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV
# all_data_wide.real_wage_index_per_capita = all_data_wide.COMPRNFB
# all_data_wide.real_wage_per_capita = all_data_wide.COMPNFB ./ all_data_wide.GDPDEF
# all_data_wide.real_wage_index_per_capita = all_data_wide.CE16OV .* all_data_wide.COMPRNFB ./ all_data_wide.CNP16OV
# all_data_wide.real_wage_per_capita_growth = [missing; diff(all_data_wide.real_wage_per_capita) ./ all_data_wide.real_wage_per_capita[2:end] * 100]

# using StatsPlots
# plot(all_data_wide.real_wage_per_capita_growth[1:230])
# plot(all_data_wide.hours_worked[1:230] .- 415)
# plot((all_data_wide.hours_worked) .- 415)
# plot(all_data_wide.interest_rate)
# plot(all_data_wide.real_GDP_per_capita_growth[1:230])
# plot(all_data_wide.real_investment)
# plot(all_data_wide.real_consumption_per_capita_growth[1:230])
# plot(all_data_wide.inflation)

# (all_data_wide.hours_worked[5:230] |> sum) / 226
# (all_data_wide.hours_worked[5:end-1] |> sum) / 306

# dy[0] = ctrend + 100 * (y[0] / y[-1] - 1) # fine

# dc[0] = ctrend + 100 * (c[0] / c[-1] - 1) # fine

# dinve[0] = ctrend + 100 * (inve[0] / inve[-1] - 1) # fine

# pinfobs[0] = 100 * (pinf[0] - 1) # fine except for some data issues somewhere in the middle

# robs[0] = 100 * (r[0] - 1) # fine

# dwobs[0] = ctrend + 100 * (w[0] / w[-1] - 1)

# labobs[0] = constelab + 100 * (lab[0] / lab[ss] - 1) # fine, except for constant
69 changes: 38 additions & 31 deletions test/test_sw07_estimation_2nd.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,15 +18,16 @@ println("Threads used: ", Threads.nthreads())
println("BLAS threads used: ", BLAS.get_num_threads())

# smpler = ENV["sampler"] # "pigeons" #
# smple = ENV["sample"] # "original" #
smple = ENV["sample"] # "original" #
# mdl = ENV["model"] # "linear" #
fltr = ENV["filter"] # "kalman" #
algo = ENV["algorithm"] # "kalman" #
algo = ENV["algorithm"] # "first_order" #
# chns = Meta.parse(ENV["chains"]) # "4" #
# scns = Meta.parse(ENV["scans"]) # "4" #
smpls = Meta.parse(ENV["samples"]) # "4" #

# println("Sampler: $smpler")
println("Estimation Sample: $smple")
println("Samples: $smpls")
# println("Model: $mdl")
# println("Chains: $chns")
Expand All @@ -35,25 +36,35 @@ println("Algorithm: $algo")
# println("Scans: $scns")

# load data
dat ="./Github/MacroModelling.jl/test/data/usmodel.csv", DataFrame)
if smple == "original"
# load data
dat ="./Github/MacroModelling.jl/test/data/usmodel.csv", DataFrame)

# load data
data = KeyedArray(Array(dat)',Variable = Symbol.(strip.(names(dat))), Time = 1:size(dat)[1])
# load data
data = KeyedArray(Array(dat)',Variable = Symbol.(strip.(names(dat))), Time = 1:size(dat)[1])

# declare observables as written in csv file
observables_old = [:dy, :dc, :dinve, :labobs, :pinfobs, :dw, :robs] # note that :dw was renamed to :dwobs in linear model in order to avoid confusion with nonlinear model
# declare observables as written in csv file
observables_old = [:dy, :dc, :dinve, :labobs, :pinfobs, :dw, :robs] # note that :dw was renamed to :dwobs in linear model in order to avoid confusion with nonlinear model

# Subsample
# subset observables in data
sample_idx = 47:230 # 1960Q1-2004Q4
# Subsample
# subset observables in data
sample_idx = 47:230 # 1960Q1-2004Q4

data = data(observables_old, sample_idx)
data = data(observables_old, sample_idx)

# declare observables as written in model
observables = [:dy, :dc, :dinve, :labobs, :pinfobs, :dwobs, :robs] # note that :dw was renamed to :dwobs in linear model in order to avoid confusion with nonlinear model
# declare observables as written in model
observables = [:dy, :dc, :dinve, :labobs, :pinfobs, :dwobs, :robs] # note that :dw was renamed to :dwobs in linear model in order to avoid confusion with nonlinear model

data = rekey(data, :Variable => observables)
data = rekey(data, :Variable => observables)
elseif smple == "full" # 1954Q4 - 2024Q2
elseif smple == "no_pandemic" # 1954Q4 - 2020Q1
data = data[:,<(Dates.Date("2020-04-01"))]
elseif smple == "update" # 1960Q1 - 2024Q2
data = data[:,>(Dates.Date("1959-10-01"))]

# Handling distributions with varying parameters using arraydist
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,14 +141,14 @@ SW07_loglikelihood_middle = SW07_loglikelihood_function(data[:,100:end], Smets_W

SW07_loglikelihood = SW07_loglikelihood_function(data, Smets_Wouters_2007, observables, fixed_parameters, Symbol(algo), Symbol(fltr))

modeSW2007 = Turing.maximum_a_posteriori(SW07_loglikelihood_short,
# modeSW2007 = Turing.maximum_a_posteriori(SW07_loglikelihood_short,
# Optim.SimulatedAnnealing())

println("Mode loglikelihood (Simulated Annealing): $(modeSW2007.lp)")
# println("Mode loglikelihood (Simulated Annealing): $(modeSW2007.lp)")

modeSW2007 = Turing.maximum_a_posteriori(SW07_loglikelihood_short,
initial_params = modeSW2007.values)
# initial_params = modeSW2007.values)

println("Mode loglikelihood (short sample): $(modeSW2007.lp)")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,17 +185,14 @@ samps = @time Turing.sample(SW07_loglikelihood,
progress = true,
initial_params = init_params)

varnames = [:z_ea, :z_eb, :z_eg, :z_eqs, :z_em, :z_epinf, :z_ew, :crhoa, :crhob, :crhog, :crhoqs, :crhoms, :crhopinf, :crhow, :cmap, :cmaw, :csadjcost, :csigma, :chabb, :cprobw, :csigl, :cprobp, :cindw, :cindp, :czcap, :cfc, :crpi, :crr, :cry, :crdy, :constepinf, :constebeta, :constelab, :ctrend, :cgy, :calfa]

nms = names(samps)
nms[1:length(varnames)] .= varnames

samps_renamed = MCMCChains.Chains(samps.value, nms)

println("Mean variable values: $(mean(samps).nt.mean)")

dir_name = "sw07_$(algo)_$(smpls)_samples_$(fltr)_filter"
varnames = [:z_ea, :z_eb, :z_eg, :z_eqs, :z_em, :z_epinf, :z_ew, :crhoa, :crhob, :crhog, :crhoqs, :crhoms, :crhopinf, :crhow, :cmap, :cmaw, :csadjcost, :csigma, :chabb, :cprobw, :csigl, :cprobp, :cindw, :cindp, :czcap, :cfc, :crpi, :crr, :cry, :crdy, :constepinf, :constebeta, :constelab, :ctrend, :cgy, :calfa]
nms = copy(names(samps))
samps = replacenames(samps, Dict(nms[1:length(varnames)] .=> varnames))

dir_name = "sw07_$(algo)_$(smpls)_samples_$(fltr)_filter_$(smple)_sample"

if !isdir(dir_name) mkdir(dir_name) end

Expand All @@ -195,11 +203,10 @@ println("Current working directory: ", pwd())
dt = Dates.format(, "yyyy-mm-dd_HH")
serialize("samples_$(dt)h.jls", samps)

my_plot = StatsPlots.plot(samps_renamed)
my_plot = StatsPlots.plot(samps)
StatsPlots.savefig(my_plot, "samples_$(dt)h.png")
StatsPlots.savefig(my_plot, "../samples_latest.png")
#println(, MIME"text/plain"(), samps), MIME"text/plain"(), samps_renamed), MIME"text/plain"(), samps)

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