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thorek1 committed Nov 22, 2023
1 parent 4d3547c commit e23b0ad
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions test/test_cycles.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
using MacroModelling
import LinearAlgebra as ℒ
import RecursiveFactorization as RF

@model cycle_prototype begin
μ[0] * λ[0] = Q[0] * e[1]^φₑ * λ[1]

Q[0] = (1 + (1 - e[0]) * ϕ * Φ[0])

Φ[0] = Φ̄ * exp(Φ̄² * (100 * (e[0] - ē))^2 + Φ̄³ * (100 * (e[0] - ē))^3)

λ[0] = (Y[1] + (1 - δ - γ) / (1 - δ) * X[0] - (1 - δ - ψ) / (1 - δ) * γ * Y[0])^(-ω)

X[1] = (1 - δ) * X[0] + ψ * Y[1]

Y[1] = z[0] * e[0]^α

log(μ[0]) = ρμ * log(μ[-1]) + σμ * ϵμ[x]

log(z[0]) = ρz * log(z[-1]) + σz * ϵz[x]

@parameters cycle_prototype begin
ρμ = 0.0671
ρz = 0.6254
σμ = 0.00014
σz = 0.0027
α = 0.67
ψ = 0.3905
δ = 0.05
ω = 0.2736
γ = 0.6259
= 0.943
Φ̄³ = 0.00066
Φ̄² = 0.0018
Φ̄ = 0.047
ϕ = 0.9108
φₑ = 0.046

# include("../models/RBC_baseline.jl")

𝓂 = cycle_prototype
verbose = true
parameters = 𝓂.parameter_values
T = 𝓂.timings

SS_and_pars, (solution_error, iters) = 𝓂.SS_solve_func(parameters, 𝓂, verbose, false, 𝓂.solver_parameters)

∇₁ = calculate_jacobian(parameters, SS_and_pars, 𝓂) |> Matrix

∇₊ = @view ∇₁[:,1:T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed]
∇₀ = @view ∇₁[:,T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed .+ range(1, T.nVars)]
∇₋ = @view ∇₁[:,T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed + T.nVars .+ range(1, T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed)]

Q =.qr(collect(∇₀[:,T.present_only_idx]))
Qinv = Q.Q'

A₊ = Qinv * ∇₊
A₀ = Qinv * ∇₀
A₋ = Qinv * ∇₋

dynIndex = T.nPresent_only+1:T.nVars

Ã₊ = @view A₊[dynIndex,:]
Ã₋ = @view A₋[dynIndex,:]
Ã₀₊ = @view A₀[dynIndex, T.future_not_past_and_mixed_idx]
Ã₀₋ = @views A₀[dynIndex, T.past_not_future_idx] *.diagm(ones(T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed))[T.not_mixed_in_past_idx,:]

Z₊ = zeros(T.nMixed,T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed)
I₊ = @view.diagm(ones(T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed))[T.mixed_in_future_idx,:]

Z₋ = zeros(T.nMixed,T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed)
I₋ = @view.diagm(ones(T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed))[T.mixed_in_past_idx,:]

D = vcat(hcat(Ã₀₋, Ã₊), hcat(I₋, Z₊))
E = vcat(hcat(-Ã₋,-Ã₀₊), hcat(Z₋, I₊))
# this is the companion form and by itself the linearisation of the matrix polynomial used in the linear time iteration method. see:
schdcmp =.schur(D,E)

expand = @views [ℒ.diagm(ones(T.nVars))[T.future_not_past_and_mixed_idx,:],

∇₊ = @views ∇₁[:,1:T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed] * expand[1]
∇₀ = @views ∇₁[:,T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed .+ range(1,T.nVars)]
∇₋ = @views ∇₁[:,T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed + T.nVars .+ range(1,T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed)] * expand[2]
∇ₑ = @views ∇₁[:,(T.nFuture_not_past_and_mixed + T.nVars + T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed + 1):end]

A = [∇₊ zero(∇₊)
zero(∇₊) ℒ.diagm(fill(1,size(∇₊,1)))]

B = [∇₀ ∇₋
.diagm(fill(1,size(∇₊,1))) zero(∇₊) ]

schdcmp =.schur(A,B)

eigenselect = abs.(schdcmp.β ./ schdcmp.α) .< 1
.ordschur!(schdcmp, eigenselect)

eigen(-schdcmp.Z[T.nVars+1:end, 1:T.nVars] \ schdcmp.Z[T.nVars+1:end, T.nVars+1:end])

# check eigenvals
eigenvalues = schdcmp.β ./ schdcmp.α

# inside unit circle
eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle = abs.(eigenvalues) .< 1

# real and > 1
eigenvalue_real_greater_one = isapprox.(imag.(eigenvalues), 0) .&& real.(eigenvalues) .> 1

# infinite
eigenvalue_infinite = abs.(eigenvalues) .> 1e10

eigenvalue_never_include = eigenvalue_infinite .|| eigenvalue_real_greater_one

ny = 𝓂.timings.nPast_not_future_and_mixed

other_eigenvalues = .!(eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle .|| eigenvalue_never_include)

ny - sum(eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle)

.ordschur!(schdcmp, .!eigenvalue_infinite)

# check eigenvals
eigenvalues = schdcmp.β ./ schdcmp.α

# inside unit circle
eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle = abs.(eigenvalues) .< 1

# real and > 1
eigenvalue_real_greater_one = isapprox.(imag.(eigenvalues), 0) .&& real.(eigenvalues) .> 1

# infinite
eigenvalue_infinite = abs.(eigenvalues) .> 1e10

eigenvalue_never_include = eigenvalue_infinite .|| eigenvalue_real_greater_one

ny = 𝓂.timings.nPast_not_future_and_mixed

other_eigenvalues = .!(eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle .|| eigenvalue_never_include)

ny - sum(eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle)

.ordschur!(schdcmp, eigenvalue_inside_unit_circle)

eigenselect = abs.(schdcmp.β ./ schdcmp.α) .< 1
eigenselect = BitVector([1,1,0,0,1,0])
.ordschur!(schdcmp, eigenselect)
schdcmp.β ./ schdcmp.α
(schdcmp.S[1:3,1:3]' * schdcmp.T[1:3,1:3]) |> eigen

# J45

Z₂₁ = @view schdcmp.Z[T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed+1:end, 1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed]
Z₁₁ = @view schdcmp.Z[1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed, 1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed]

S₁₁ = @view schdcmp.S[1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed, 1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed]
T₁₁ = @view schdcmp.T[1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed, 1:T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed]

Ẑ₁₁ =₁₁, check = false)

if !.issuccess(Ẑ₁₁)
return zeros(T.nVars,T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed), false
# end

Ŝ₁₁ =₁₁, check = false)

if !.issuccess(Ŝ₁₁)
return zeros(T.nVars,T.nPast_not_future_and_mixed), false

D = Z₂₁ / Ẑ₁₁
L = Z₁₁ * (Ŝ₁₁ \ T₁₁) / Ẑ₁₁

sol = @views vcat(L[T.not_mixed_in_past_idx,:], D)

Ā₀ᵤ = @view A₀[1:T.nPresent_only, T.present_only_idx]
A₊ᵤ = @view A₊[1:T.nPresent_only,:]
Ã₀ᵤ = @view A₀[1:T.nPresent_only, T.present_but_not_only_idx]
A₋ᵤ = @view A₋[1:T.nPresent_only,:]

Ā̂₀ᵤ =Ā₀ᵤ, check = false)

if !.issuccess(Ā̂₀ᵤ)
Ā̂₀ᵤ =.svd(collect(Ā₀ᵤ))

A = @views vcat(-(Ā̂₀ᵤ \ (A₊ᵤ * D * L + Ã₀ᵤ * sol[T.dynamic_order,:] + A₋ᵤ)), sol)


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