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Thore Kockerols authored and Thore Kockerols committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 54b6400 commit 3e875b4
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 6 deletions.
189 changes: 183 additions & 6 deletions src/uncertainty.jl
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Expand Up @@ -135,12 +135,110 @@ end

include("../models/Smets_Wouters_2007 copy.jl")

# US SW07 sample estims
estimated_par_vals = [0.4818650901000989, 0.24054470291311028, 0.5186956692202958, 0.4662413867655003, 0.23136135922950385, 0.13132950287219664, 0.2506090809487915, 0.9776707755474057, 0.2595790622654468, 0.9727418060187103, 0.687330720531337, 0.1643636762401503, 0.9593771388356938, 0.9717966717403557, 0.8082505346152592, 0.8950643861525535, 5.869499350284732, 1.4625899840952736, 0.724649200081708, 0.7508616008157103, 2.06747381157293, 0.647865359908012, 0.585642549132298, 0.22857733002230182, 0.4476375712834215, 1.6446238878581076, 2.0421854715489007, 0.8196744223749656, 0.10480818163546246, 0.20376610336806866, 0.7312462829038883, 0.14032972276989308, 1.1915345520903131, 0.47172181998770146, 0.5676468533218533, 0.2071701728019517]

# EA long sample
estimated_par_vals = [0.5508386670366793, 0.1121915320498811, 0.4243377356726877, 1.1480212757573225, 0.15646733079230218, 0.296296659613257, 0.5432042443198039, 0.9902290087557833, 0.9259443641489151, 0.9951289612362465, 0.10142231358290743, 0.39362463001158415, 0.1289134188454152, 0.9186217201941123, 0.335751074044953, 0.9679659067034428, 7.200553443953002, 1.6027080351282608, 0.2951432248740656, 0.9228560491337098, 1.4634253784176727, 0.9395327544812212, 0.1686071783737509, 0.6899027652288519, 0.8752458891177585, 1.0875693299513425, 1.0500350793944067, 0.935445005053725, 0.14728806935911198, 0.05076653598648485, 0.6415024921505285, 0.2033331251651342, 1.3564948300498199, 0.37489234540710886, 0.31427612698706603, 0.12891275085926296]
estimated_pars = [:z_ea, :z_eb, :z_eg, :z_eqs, :z_em, :z_epinf, :z_ew, :crhoa, :crhob, :crhog, :crhoqs, :crhoms, :crhopinf, :crhow, :cmap, :cmaw, :csadjcost, :csigma, :chabb, :cprobw, :csigl, :cprobp, :cindw, :cindp, :czcap, :cfc, :crpi, :crr, :cry, :crdy, :constepinf, :constebeta, :constelab, :ctrend, :cgy, :calfa]

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = estimated_pars .=> estimated_par_vals, derivatives = false)

# find optimal loss coefficients
# Problem definition, find the loss coefficients such that the derivatives of the Taylor rule coefficients wrt the loss are 0
lbs = [0,0]
ubs = [1e6, 1e6] #, 1e6]
initial_values = [.3 ,.3] # ,0.2347]

var = get_variance(Smets_Wouters_2007, derivatives = false)

using JuMP, MadNLP

# Define the given vector

loss_function_weights = [1, .3, .4]

# loss_function_weights = [1, 1, .1]
get_parameters(Smets_Wouters_2007, values = true)
lbs = [eps(),eps(),eps()] #,eps()]
ubs = [1-eps(), 1e6, 1e6] #, 1e6]
initial_values = [0.8762 ,1.488 ,0.0593] # ,0.2347]
regularisation = [1e-7,1e-5,1e-5] #,1e-5]

parameters = [:crr, :crpi, :cry],#, :crdy],
variance = [:ygap, :pinfobs, :drobs],
algorithm = :first_order,
verbose = true)

function calculate_loss(loss_function_weights,regularisation; verbose = false)
out = get_statistics(Smets_Wouters_2007,
[0.824085387718046, 1.9780022172135707, 4.095695818850862],
# [0.935445005053725, 1.0500350793944067, 0.14728806935911198, 0.05076653598648485, 0],
parameters = [:crr, :crpi, :cry, :crdy],
variance = [:ygap, :pinfobs, :drobs],
algorithm = :first_order,
verbose = verbose)

return out[:variance]' * loss_function_weights + abs2.([0.824085387718046, 1.9780022172135707, 4.095695818850862,0])' * regularisation

function calculate_cb_loss(parameter_inputs,p; verbose = false)
loss_function_weights, regularisation = p

# println(parameter_inputs)
out = get_statistics(Smets_Wouters_2007,
parameters = [:crr, :crpi, :cry],#, :crdy],
variance = [:ygap, :pinfobs, :drobs],
algorithm = :first_order,
verbose = verbose)

return out[:variance]' * loss_function_weights + abs2.(parameter_inputs)' * regularisation

ForwardDiff.gradient(x->calculate_cb_loss(x, (loss_function_weights, regularisation * 100)), [0.824085387718046, 1.9780022172135707, 4.095695818850862]) #, 0.05076653598648485])

vector = [40.0091669196762, 1.042452394619108, 0.023327511003148015]

# Create a model
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)

# Number of weights
n = length(vector)

# Define variables: weights must be positive
@variable(model, w[1:n] >= 0)

# Constraint: weights must sum to 1
@constraint(model, sum(w) == 1)

# Objective: minimize the dot product of the weights with the vector
@objective(model, Min, dot(w, vector))

# Solve the model

# Check if the model was solved successfully
if termination_status(model) == MOI.OPTIMAL
optimal_weights = value.(w)
println("Optimal weights: ", optimal_weights)
println("Minimum dot product value: ", objective_value(model))
println("The optimization problem was not solved successfully.")

f = OptimizationFunction((x,p)-> vcat(1,x)' * p, AutoForwardDiff())
# f = OptimizationFunction(calculate_cb_loss, AutoForwardDiff())
prob = OptimizationProblem(f, initial_values, var([:ygap, :pinfobs, :drobs]), ub = ubs, lb = lbs)

# Import a solver package and solve the optimization problem

sol = solve(prob, NLopt.LD_LBFGS(), maxiters = 10000) # this seems to achieve best results

# Optimal simple rule

loss_function_weights = [1, .3, .4]
Expand All @@ -159,7 +257,9 @@ get_statistics(Smets_Wouters_2007,
algorithm = :first_order,
verbose = true)

function calculate_cb_loss(parameter_inputs,regularisation; verbose = false)
function calculate_cb_loss(parameter_inputs,p; verbose = false)
loss_function_weights, regularisation = p

# println(parameter_inputs)
out = get_statistics(Smets_Wouters_2007,
Expand All @@ -171,13 +271,13 @@ function calculate_cb_loss(parameter_inputs,regularisation; verbose = false)
return out[:variance]' * loss_function_weights + abs2.(parameter_inputs)' * regularisation

calculate_cb_loss(initial_values,regularisation, verbose = true)
calculate_cb_loss(initial_values,(loss_function_weights, regularisation), verbose = true)

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = :crdy => 0, derivatives = false)

f = OptimizationFunction(calculate_cb_loss, AutoZygote())
# f = OptimizationFunction(calculate_cb_loss, AutoForwardDiff())
prob = OptimizationProblem(f, initial_values, regularisation*10, ub = ubs, lb = lbs)
prob = OptimizationProblem(f, initial_values, (loss_function_weights, regularisation * 100), ub = ubs, lb = lbs)

# Import a solver package and solve the optimization problem

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,6 +314,83 @@ stdderivs([:ygap, :pinfobs, :drobs, :robs],vcat(stds,[:crr, :crpi, :cry]))
# (:drobs) 0.289815 3.7398 0.0452899 0.0150356 0.731132 0.0148536 0.297607 4.20058 -0.0045197 0.00175464 0.121104
# (:robs) 0.216192 1.82174 0.0424333 0.115266 7.89551 0.0742737 2.57712 80.8386 -0.0743082 0.0273497 0.14874

Zygote.gradient(x->calculate_cb_loss(x,regularisation * 1),sol.u)[1]

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = stds[1] => std_vals[1], derivatives = false)

Zygote.gradient(x->calculate_cb_loss(x,regularisation * 1),sol.u)[1]

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = stds[1] => std_vals[1] * 1.05, derivatives = false)

using FiniteDifferences

FiniteDifferences.hessian(x->calculate_cb_loss(x,regularisation * 0),sol.u)[1]

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = stds[1] => std_vals[1], derivatives = false)

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = nm => vl, derivatives = false)

# nms = []

k_range = 1:1:10
n_σ_range = 10
coeff = zeros(length(k_range), length(stds), n_σ_range, 5)

ii = 1
for (nm,vl) in zip(stds,std_vals)
for (l,k) in enumerate(k_range)
σ_range = range(vl, 1.5 * vl, length = n_σ_range)

prob = OptimizationProblem(f, initial_values, ([1,.3, k], regularisation * 1), ub = ubs, lb = lbs)

for (ll,σ) in enumerate(σ_range)
SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = nm => σ, derivatives = false)
# prob = OptimizationProblem(f, sol.u, regularisation * 100, ub = ubs, lb = lbs)
soll = solve(prob, NLopt.LD_LBFGS(), maxiters = 10000) # this seems to achieve best results

coeff[l,ii,ll,:] = vcat(k,σ,soll.u)

println("$nm $(soll.objective)")

SS(Smets_Wouters_2007, parameters = nm => vl, derivatives = false)

# display(p)

plots = []
push!(plots, surface(vec(coeff[:,ii,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,ii,:,2]), vec(coeff[:,ii,:,3]), label = "", xlabel = "Loss weight: r", ylabel = "Std($nm)", zlabel = "crr", colorbar=false))
push!(plots, surface(vec(coeff[:,ii,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,ii,:,2]), vec((1 .- coeff[:,ii,:,3]) .* coeff[:,ii,:,4]), label = "", xlabel = "Loss weight: r", ylabel = "Std($nm)", zlabel = "(1 - crr) * crpi", colorbar=false))
push!(plots, surface(vec(coeff[:,ii,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,ii,:,2]), vec((1 .- coeff[:,ii,:,3]) .* coeff[:,ii,:,5]), label = "", xlabel = "Loss weight: r", ylabel = "Std($nm)", zlabel = "(1 - crr) * cry", colorbar=false))

p = plot(plots...) # , plot_title = string(nm))
ii += 1

((1 .- coeff[:,1,:,3]) .* coeff[:,1,:,4])[10,:]
((1 .- coeff[:,1,:,3]) .* coeff[:,1,:,5])[1,:]

surface(vec(coeff[:,1,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,2]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,3]), label = "", xlabel = "r weight", ylabel = "Std", zlabel = "crr")
surface(vec(coeff[:,1,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,2]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,4]), label = "", xlabel = "r weight", ylabel = "Std", zlabel = "crpi")
surface(vec(coeff[:,1,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,2]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,5]), label = "", xlabel = "r weight", ylabel = "Std", zlabel = "cry")

shck = 7
surface(vec(coeff[:,1,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,1,:,2]), vec((1 .- coeff[:,1,:,3]) .* coeff[:,1,:,4]), label = "", xlabel = "r weight", ylabel = "Std", zlabel = "(1 - crr) * crpi")
surface(vec(coeff[:,shck,:,1]), vec(coeff[:,shck,:,2]), vec((1 .- coeff[:,shck,:,3]) .* coeff[:,shck,:,5]), label = "", xlabel = "r weight", ylabel = "Std", zlabel = "(1 - crr) * cry")

surface(σ_range, [i[1] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "crr")

for (nm,vl) in zip(stds,std_vals)
σ_range = range(vl, 1.5 * vl,length = 10)

Expand All @@ -231,12 +408,12 @@ for (nm,vl) in zip(stds,std_vals)

plots = []
push!(plots, plot(σ_range, [i[1] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "crr"))
push!(plots, plot(σ_range, [(1 - i[1]) * i[2] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "(1 - crr) * crpi"))
push!(plots, plot(σ_range, [(1 - i[1]) * i[3] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "(1 - crr) * cry"))
push!(plots, plot(σ_range, [i[2] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "crpi"))
push!(plots, plot(σ_range, [i[3] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "cry"))
# push!(plots, plot(σ_range, [i[4] for i in coeffs], label = "", ylabel = "crdy"))

p = plot(plots..., plot_title = string(nm))
# display(p)

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