This project aims to evaluate my skills as a full-stack software engineer for a hiring company process.
This part of the entire project is the frontend send to the backend data.
In this project, I used some rola-related tech stacks to achieve the challenge goal. Listed below:
- NextJS 14;
- Typescript;
- SWR;
- Tailwind CSS;
After make the clone of this repo and enter inside his folder, run the command:
npm run install
this command will install all requeride dependencies of the project.
after that run:
npm run dev
to start the project.
OBS: Is possible the need to be created data inside the container's database for displayng in the application. To achieve this you can use the Swagger interface on the backend part. The instructions are in the related repo README file.
- Backend - backend-repo
- Author - Marcos de Moura Silva
- Github - thomaslnx
- Twitter - @thomaslnx