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The QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle generates Repositories in the repository folders

The functions allow to filter on the columns of the entity with a query builder.

See the create queries section for an example.


Import the bundle using composer

composer require --dev "tbn/query-builder-repository-generator-bundle"

Import the bundle in your AppKernel

if ('dev' === $this->getEnvironment()) {
    $bundles[] = new Tbn\QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle\QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle();


Mandatory configuration

Add the bundles you want:

    		- "<<YourBundleName>>"

Those bundles will have the repositories generated in the Repository directory of the bundles. Check the content by yourself.

Optional configuration

			top_repository: "QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle:Generator:TopRepositoryTemplate.html.twig"
			column: "QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle:Generator:ColumnTemplate.html.twig"
			association: "QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle:Generator:AssociationTemplate.html.twig"
			bottom_repository: "QueryBuilderRepositoryGeneratorBundle:Generator:BottomRepositoryTemplate.html.twig"
		- 'AppBundle\Entity\Member':
			querybuilder_name: 'memberEntity' # the name of the entity used in the queryBuilder

The repository extends

You can specify a class to extends for each entity.

		- "AcmeBundle\Entity\Item": #the entity class
			extension_class: "\\Gedmo\\Tree\\Entity\\Repository\\MaterializedPathRepository" #the class to extends

The templates used by the generator can be set with these configurations.

	top_repository => The beginning of the repository file
	column => The template used for each column
	extra_column => A custom template of your choice
	bottom_repository => The end of the repository file

The extra_column template have the following variables:

	'entity' => $tableName,
	'entityDql' => lcfirst($tableName),
	'column' => ucfirst($columnName),
	'columnDql' => $columnName

Use generated repositories

In your Entity Repository, extends the generated repository.

	class UserRepository extends UserRepositoryBase

Your repository has now some predefined function like "filterById", "filterInId" for all the columns.

Create queries


	$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('document');

	//filter on current user (where XX = YY)
   DocumentRepository::filterByUser($qb, $user);
   //filter on the extension list (where xxx IN () )
   DocumentRepository::filterInExtension($qb, $extensionList);

   //Join the tag entity
   $qb->join('document.tags', 'tag');
   //filter on the tag entity
   TagRepository::filterById($qb, $tagButton);

Regenerate files

Run the command:

php app/console qbrg:generate