Forked from whiskerz007/proxmox_hassio_lxc. The orginal script was aimed to be installed on Proxmox exclusively - this was modified for LXD on any Debian based Host OS. It is currently being used on an Ubuntu Server 20.10 aarch64 host on a RaspberryPi 4 8GB executing the current upstream supervisor install with all dependencies, also exposing the port (8123) on the host.
TLDR: This is not aimed just at Proxmox but a generic debian based install (only tested on Ubuntu Server right now).
- Adjust MACHINE_TYPE manually if you want to install it on x86_64 f.e. (it defaults to qemuarm-64, no prompt)
- select N upon install to keep network connectivity after reboot (overwriting will remove eth0 and hence the internet connectivity)
Maybe it's a better idea to rewrite HassOS Buildroot base to something like to get a minimal Debian system as the base where you can properly install other packages in addition to ...
DNS and Multicast are currently not working, see this post in the forums.
Could be that there's a container restart policy issue.
docker update --restart unless-stopped $(docker ps -q)
Original Readme - see here: