IndyDCP client module for nodejs.
IndyDCP bindings for Node.js. IndyDCP is a dedicated communication protocol for controlling Neuromeka's Indy robots - by interfacing with it natively in node,
Hatiolab is blah blah. things-factory is blah blah. we get powerful automation in js.
People are using @things-factory/node-indydcp to fry whole chickens with robots, make coffee or bubble tea, and sort apples and pears. If you're using it for something cool, I'd love to hear about it!
You'll need Neuromeka's Indy robot, first.;-)
$ npm install @things-factory/node-indydcp --save
Run the examples from the examples directory.
const { IndyDCPClient, sleep } = require('@things-factory/node-indydcp')
async function waitForState(client, checkFn) {
var robotStatus = await client.getRobotStatus()
while (!checkFn(robotStatus)) {
await sleep(1000)
robotStatus = await client.getRobotStatus()
;(async function () {
var client = new IndyDCPClient('', 'NRMK-Indy7')
await client.connect()
await client.goHome()
console.log(await client.getRobotStatus())
await waitForState(client, status => !status.isBusy)
await client.goZero()
console.log(await client.getRobotStatus())
await waitForState(client, status => !status.isBusy)
npm test
I'm happy to accept most PR's if the tests run green, all new functionality is tested, and there are no objections in the PR.
The library is distributed under the MIT License - if for some reason that doesn't work for you please get in touch.