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Ordered Map


$ go get

API docs


New creates a new ordered map

m := om.New()

Add(key string, value interface{})

Add adds a key value pair to the map. If the key already exist, it's value is updated

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")
m.Add("last_name", "Damian")
m.Add("age", 27)
m.Add("sex", "male")
m.Add("married", false)

m.Add("age", 28) // updates the age to 28 because key exists

Set(k string, v interface{})

Updates a key's value using Put. If the key is not found, it calls Add

m := om.New() 
m.Set("first_name", "Simon Peter") // calls Add

Put(key string, value interface{}) error

Updates a key's value. If the key is not found, it returns an error

m := om.New()
m.Put("first_name", "Simon Peter") // returns an error

m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

m.Put("first_name", "Simon") // updates the value of first_name to Simon without error

Get(key string) (interface{}, error)

Returns the value of a key. If the key is not found, it returns an error

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

v, err := m.Get("first_name")
if err != nil {

fmt.Println(v) // prints Simon Peter

Fetch(key string, defaultValue interface{}) interface{}

Returns the value of a key. If the key is not found, it returnns the default value

m := om.New()
v := m.Fetch("first_name", "Simon Peter")
fmt.Println(v) // prints Simon Peter

m.Add("last_name", "Damian")

v = m.Fetch("last_name", "Doe")
fmt.Println(v) // prints Damian

Index(pos int) (string, interface{})

Index return the key/value pair stored at the given index. If the index is out of bound, returns an empty string and nil

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")  
m.Add("last_name", "Damian")

k, v := m.Index(0)
fmt.Println(k, v) // prints first_name Simon Peter

k, v = m.Index(2)
fmt.Println(k, v) // prints last_name Damian

k, v = m.Index(3)
fmt.Println(k, v) // prints  (empty string) nil

GetKeyIndex(key string) int

Returns the numeric index for the given key. If the key is not found, it returns -1

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

i := m.GetKeyIndex("first_name")
fmt.Println(i) // prints 0

i = m.GetKeyIndex("last_name")
fmt.Println(i) // prints -1

ValuesAt(keys ...string) []interface{}

Returns a new slice containing the values of the given keys

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")
m.Add("last_name", "Damian")

v := m.ValuesAt("first_name", "last_name")
fmt.Println(v) // prints [Simon Peter Damian]

HasKey(keys ...string) bool

Returns true if the key is contained in the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("first_name")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("last_name")) // prints false

HasAny(cb func(key string, value interface{}) bool) bool

Returns true if any of the key/value pair satisfies the given callback

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

m.HasAny(func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
    return key == "first_name" && value == "Simon Peter"
}) // prints true

m.HasAny(func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
    return key == "last_name" && value == "Damian"
}) // prints false

Delete(key string) (interface{}, error)

Removes the entry with the given key from the map. If the key is not found, it returns an error

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

v, err := m.Delete("first_name")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(v) // prints Simon Peter

DeleteIF(cb func(key string, value interface{}) bool) *omap

Calls the given callback for each key/value pair in the map. If the callback returns true, the key/value pair is removed from the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")

m.DeleteIF(func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
    return key == "first_name" && value == "Simon Peter"

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("first_name")) // prints false

KeepIF(cb func(key string, value interface{}) bool) *omap

Calls the callback with each key/value pair. Keeps each entry for which the callback returns true, otherwise deletes the entry from the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("first_name", "Simon Peter")
m.Add("last_name", "Damian")
m.Add("age", 27)

m.KeepIF(func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
    return key == "first_name" && value == "Simon Peter"

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("first_name")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("last_name")) // prints false
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("age")) // prints false

Filter(cb func(key string, value interface{}) bool) *omap

Returns a new map containing the entries for which the callback returns true

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

n := m.Filter(func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
    return key == "fish" || value == "apple"

fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("vegetable")) // prints false

Filter_(cb func(key string, value interface{}) bool) *omap

Modifies the map to contain only the entries for which the callback returns true

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

m.Filter_(func(key string, value interface{}) bool {
    return key == "fish" || value == "apple"

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("vegetable")) // prints false

Slice(keys ...string) *omap

Returns a new map containing the entries for the given keys

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

n := m.Slice("fish", "fruit")

fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("vegetable")) // prints false

Compact() *omap

Returns a new map with all nil values removed

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", nil)
m.Add("meat", nil)

n := m.Compact()

fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("vegetable")) // prints false
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("meat")) // prints false

Compact_() *omap

Modifies the original map with all nil values removed

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", nil)
m.Add("meat", nil)

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("vegetable")) // prints false
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("meat")) // prints false

Except(keys ...string) *omap

Returns a new map excluding entries for the given keys

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

n := m.Except("fish", "fruit")

fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fish")) // prints false
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fruit")) // prints false
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("vegetable")) // prints true

Merge(m2 *omap) *omap

Returns a new map formed by merging the given map with the original map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

n := m.Merge(om.New().Add("fruit", "banana"))

fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(n.Get("fruit")) // prints banana

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.Get("fruit")) // prints apple

Merge_(m2 *omap) *omap

Modifies the original map by mergin the given map with the original map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

m.Merge_(om.New().Add("fruit", "banana"))

fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fish")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fruit")) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.Get("fruit")) // prints banana

Clear() *omap

Removes all entries from the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")


fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fish")) // prints false
fmt.Println(m.HasKey("fruit")) // prints false

Keys() []string

Returns a slice of all keys in the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

fmt.Println(m.Keys()) // prints [fish fruit vegetable]

RKeys() []string

Returns a slice of all keys in the map in reverse order

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

fmt.Println(m.RKeys()) // prints [vegetable fruit fish]

Values() []interface{}

Returns a slice of all values in the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

fmt.Println(m.Values()) // prints [tuna apple carrot]

RValues() []interface{}

Returns a slice of all values in the map in reverse order

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")
m.Add("vegetable", "carrot")

fmt.Println(m.RValues()) // prints [carrot apple tuna]

EQ(m2 *omap) bool

Compares two maps for equality. A map is equal to another map if they have the same keys and values.

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

n := om.New()
n.Add("fish", "tuna")
n.Add("fruit", "apple")

o := om.New()
o.Add("fish", "tuna")
o.Add("fruit", "banana")

fmt.Println(m.EQ(n)) // prints true
fmt.Println(m.EQ(o)) // prints false

EQKey(m2 *omap) bool

Checks if two maps have the same keys. The values are not checked.

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

n := om.New()
n.Add("fish", "salmon")
n.Add("fruit", "banana")

Each(cb func(key string, value interface{}))

Iterates over the map and calls the callback function for each entry

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

m.Each(func(key string, value interface{}) {
    fmt.Println(key, value)

// prints
// fish tuna
// fruit apple

REach(cb func(key string, value interface{}))

Iterates over the map in reverse order and calls the callback function for each entry

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

m.REach(func(key string, value interface{}) {
    fmt.Println(key, value)

// prints
// fruit apple
// fish tuna

Size() int

Returns the number of entries in the map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

fmt.Println(m.Size()) // prints 2

IsEmpty() bool

Checks if the map is empty

m := om.New()

fmt.Println(m.IsEmpty()) // prints true

OM() map[string]interface{}

Returns the underyling go map

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

fmt.Println(m.OM()) // prints map[fish:tuna fruit:apple]

JSON() string

Returns the map as a JSON string

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

fmt.Println(m.JSON()) // prints {"fish":"tuna","fruit":"apple"}

Join(glue, lpad, rpad string) string

Joins the map into a string. The glue is used to separate the entries. The lpad and rpad are used to pad the key and value.

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

fmt.Println(m.Join(" ", "(", ")")) // prints (fish tuna) (fruit apple)

RJoin(glue, lpad, rpad string) string

Joins the map into a string in reverse order. The glue is used to separate the entries. The lpad and rpad are used to pad the key and value.

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

fmt.Println(m.RJoin(" ", "(", ")")) // prints (fruit apple) (fish tuna)

String() string

Returns a string containing the map entries in the format key=value

m := om.New()
m.Add("fish", "tuna")
m.Add("fruit", "apple")

fmt.Println(m.String()) // prints fish=tuna fruit=apple