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thery committed Jun 14, 2024
1 parent 715b62a commit a0e038a
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Showing 6 changed files with 229 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ Some extra material for mathcomp
[A port to mathcomp of the elliptic curve of CoqPrime](./elliptic.v)

[A formalisation of some sudoku solvers ](./sudoku.v)

[A formalisation of Montgomery reduction ](./montgomery.v)

A note about sorting network is available [here](

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion _CoqProject
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Expand Up @@ -23,4 +23,5 @@ bjsort.v
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions coq-mathcomp-extra.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ Some extra material for mathcomp
[A port to mathcomp of the elliptic curve of CoqPrime](./elliptic.v)

[A formalisation of some sudoku solvers ](./sudoku.v)

[A formalisation of Montgomery reduction ](./montgomery.v)

A note about sorting network is available [here]("""

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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions fft.v
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@@ -1,5 +1,34 @@
(* Copyright (c) Inria. All rights reserved. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra ssrnum.

Context (i : Type).
Context (Rich : i -> Prop).
Context (mother : i -> i).
Context (h : i).

Theorem rich_mothers :
(forall x, ~Rich(x) -> Rich(mother(x))) ->
(forall x, ~Rich(mother(mother(x))) \/ ~Rich(x)) ->
move=> H1 H2.
have [H3|H3] := (H2) h.
have H4 := H1 _ H3.
case: (H2 (mother h)) => [[]//|/H1 H6].
by case: H3.
have H4 := (H1) _ H3.
case: (H2 (mother h))=> [[]|/(_ (H1 _ H3))//]; last first.
apply: (H1) => H5.
case: (H2 (mother (mother h)))=> [[]|[]//].
apply: (H1) => H6.
by case: (H2 (mother h)) => [] [].

Goal forall m n, m + n.+1 = n + m.
elim =>[n|n IH [|m]]; last first.
rewrite !addSn IH addSn.

Require Import digitn.

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions meta.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ description: |-
[A port to mathcomp of the elliptic curve of CoqPrime](./elliptic.v)
[A formalisation of some sudoku solvers ](./sudoku.v)
[A formalisation of Montgomery reduction ](./montgomery.v)
A note about sorting network is available [here](
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192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions montgomery.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

(* *)
(* Formalisation of Montgomery reduction *)
(* *)

Section Montgomery.

Record montgomery := {
p : nat;
b : nat;
n : nat;
co: [&& coprime p b & b ^ n.-1 < p < b ^ n]

Lemma coprime_bp m : coprime (b m) (p m).
Proof. by rewrite coprime_sym; case: m => p b n /= /and3P[]. Qed.

Implicit Type m : montgomery.

Lemma p_pos m : 0 < p m.
Proof. by case: m => [] [|p] [|b] n /andP[] /=. Qed.

Lemma b_pos m : 0 < b m.
by case: m => [] p [|b] [|[|n]] /andP[_ /andP[]] //=; case: (ltngtP 1 p).

Lemma b_gt1 m : 1 < b m.
case: m (b_pos m) => [] p [|[|b]] n //=.
by rewrite !exp1n; case: ltngtP; rewrite !andbF.

Definition w m := b m ^ n m.

Lemma pLw m : p m < w m.
Proof. by rewrite /w; case: m => p b n /= /and3P[]. Qed.

Lemma w_pos m : 0 < w m.
Proof. by rewrite expn_gt0 b_pos. Qed.

Definition oppw m v :=
let v1 := v %% w m in if v1 == 0 then 0 else w m - v1.

Lemma ltn_oppw m v : oppw m v < w m.
rewrite /oppw; case: (v %% w m) (ltn_pmod v (w_pos m)) => //= v1 v1Lw.
by case: w v1Lw => //= w1 _; rewrite subSS ltnS leq_subr.

Lemma oppwE m v : v + oppw m v = 0 %[mod w m].
rewrite /oppw -modnDml.
case: (v %% w m) (ltn_pmod v (w_pos m)) => //= v1 v1Lw.
by rewrite mod0n addnC subnK ?modnn // ltnW.

Lemma oppw_mod m v : oppw m (v %% w m) = oppw m v.
Proof. by rewrite /oppw modn_mod. Qed.

Lemma oppwMr m v1 v2 : oppw m v1 * v2 = oppw m (v1 * v2) %[mod w m].
have w_pos := w_pos m.
rewrite /oppw -[(v1 * v2) %% _]modnMml.
case: (v1 %% _) (ltn_pmod v1 w_pos) => [|v3]; rewrite /= ?mod0n // => v3Lw.
case: eqP => [wL|wL].
rewrite mulnBl modnB //.
by rewrite wL subn0 modnMr addn0 ltnn mod0n.
by rewrite leq_mul2r ltnW ?orbT.
rewrite mulnBl !modnB //; last 2 first.
- by rewrite ltnW // ltn_mod.
- by rewrite leq_mul2r ltnW ?orbT.
rewrite !modnn modn_mod.
by rewrite -modnMml modnn mod0n.

Lemma coprime_pw m : coprime (p m) (w m).
Proof. by apply: coprimeXr; case: m => /= p b n /and3P[]. Qed.

(* A_h *)
Definition high m a := a %/ w m.
(* A_l *)
Definition low m a := a %% w m.

Lemma high_low m a : a = high m a * w m + low m a.
Proof. by exact: divn_eq. Qed.

(* P ^ -1 mod b ^ n *)
Definition invp m := (egcdn (p m) (w m)).1 %% w m.

Lemma invpE m : p m * invp m = 1 %[mod w m].
rewrite /invp.
case: egcdnP => [|/= km kn Hm _]; first by exact: p_pos.
by rewrite modnMmr mulnC Hm (eqP (coprime_pw m)) modnMDl.

(* b ^ -1 mod P *)
Definition invb m := (egcdn (b m) (p m)).1 %% p m.

Lemma invbE m : b m * invb m = 1 %[mod p m].
rewrite /invb.
case: egcdnP => [|/= km kn Hm _]; first by exact: b_pos.
by rewrite modnMmr mulnC Hm (eqP (coprime_bp m)) modnMDl.

(* Q = - A0 * P ^-1 mod b ^ n *)
Definition q m a := oppw m ((low m a * invp m) %% w m).

Lemma q_bound m a : q m a < w m.
Proof. by apply: ltn_oppw. Qed.

Definition reduce m a :=
let v := high m (a + q m a * p m) in
if v < p m then v else v - p m.

Definition invw m := invb m ^ n m.

Lemma invwE m : w m * invw m = 1 %[mod p m].
Proof. by rewrite -expnMn -modnXm invbE modnXm exp1n. Qed.

Lemma reduceE m a : a < w m * p m -> reduce m a = (a * invw m) %% p m.
move=> aLwp.
rewrite /reduce.
set a1 := _ + _ * _.
have a1w : a1 = 0 %[mod w m].
rewrite /a1 /q -modnDmr oppwMr modnDmr.
rewrite -oppw_mod modnMml -mulnA -modnMmr [_ * p m]mulnC invpE modnMmr muln1.
by rewrite oppw_mod {1}[a](high_low m) -addnA modnMDl oppwE.
have a1P : a1 = a %[mod p m] by rewrite /a1 -modnDmr modnMl addn0.
rewrite -modnMml -a1P modnMml [a1 in RHS](high_low m) /low a1w mod0n addn0.
rewrite -mulnA -modnMmr invwE modnMmr muln1.
case: leqP => // Hp; last by rewrite modn_small.
suff hL2p : high m a1 < (p m).*2.
rewrite -[in RHS](subnK Hp) -modnDmr modnn addn0 modn_small //.
by rewrite ltn_subLR ?addnn.
rewrite ltn_divLR ?w_pos // /a1 -addnn mulnDl.
apply: leq_ltn_trans (_ : a + p m * w m < _).
by rewrite leq_add2l mulnC leq_mul2l ltnW ?orbT // q_bound.
by rewrite ltn_add2r mulnC.

Definition w2 m := (b m ^ (n m).*2) %% p m.

Definition encode m a := reduce m (a * w2 m).

Lemma encodeE m a : a < w m -> encode m a = (a * w m) %% p m.
move=> aLp.
rewrite /encode reduceE /w2 -addnn expnD // -[b m ^ n m]/(w m).
by rewrite -modnMml modnMmr modnMml !mulnA -mulnA -modnMmr invwE modnMmr muln1.
apply: leq_ltn_trans (_ : a * p m < _).
by rewrite leq_mul2l ltnW ?orbT // ltn_mod p_pos.
by rewrite ltn_mul2r p_pos.

Definition decode m a := reduce m a.

Definition mult m a b := decode m (reduce m (encode m a * encode m b)).

Lemma multE m a b : a < w m -> b < w m -> mult m a b = a * b %% p m.
move=> aL bL.
rewrite /mult /decode !encodeE // !reduceE.
- rewrite modnMml -!mulnA modnMml mulnC -!mulnA modnMml.
rewrite [invw m * (a * _)]mulnC !mulnA -mulnA.
rewrite -modnMmr invwE modnMmr muln1 mulnC !mulnA -mulnA.
by rewrite -modnMmr invwE modnMmr muln1.
- apply: leq_ltn_trans (_ : (a * w m) %% p m * p m < _).
by rewrite leq_mul2l ltnW ?orbT // ltn_mod p_pos.
rewrite ltn_mul2r p_pos.
by apply: leq_ltn_trans (pLw m); rewrite ltnW // ltn_mod p_pos.
- apply: leq_trans (_ : 1 * p m <= _).
by rewrite mul1n ltn_mod p_pos.
by rewrite leq_mul2r w_pos orbT.
apply: leq_ltn_trans (_ : (a * w m) %% p m * p m < _).
by rewrite leq_mul2l ltnW ?orbT // ltn_mod p_pos.
rewrite ltn_mul2r p_pos.
by apply: leq_ltn_trans (pLw m); rewrite ltnW // ltn_mod p_pos.

End Montgomery.

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