Download Miniconda from Continuum Analytics. We recommend the Python 3 version.
Open a new terminal, create and activate a new conda environment.
conda create -n yourenv python=3.5 activate yourenv [Windows] or source activate yourenv [Linux]
Install package dependencies (it's possible to install multiple packages at once or individually). If conda doesn't have a package of interest (eg. shapely), in the terminal try:
pip install shapely
. In Windows, download the most recent*.whl
file here and install usingpip install yourshapelyinstall.whl
(must be in the directory where this .whl is located).conda install numpy scipy shapely pytest matplotlib sphinx numpydoc
Clone the analysis code from Github and developer installation.
git clone https://github.com/mvdm/vandermeerlab.git cd vandermeerlab/code-python python setup.py develop
All set!
Build documentation (eg. from docstrings) using
python setup.py build_sphinx
in the vdmlab directory.
Run tests with pytest.
The vdmlab codebase is made available under made available under the MIT license that allows using, copying, and sharing.