An Arduino project to control up to 8 PWM outputs of an ESP32 microcontroller via bluetooth BLE. The ESP32 PWM outputs can be connected to a MOSFET in order to handle higher voltages (i.e. a 12v solenoid)
The frequencies and duty cycles can be configured independently for each of the outputs.
A web page (HTML, JavaScript) is provided to connect to the ESP32 via bluetooth:
- SVC UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000000
- FREQ UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000001
- DUTY UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000002
- SWITCHES UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000003
- CMD UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000099
- Format: d[,d[,d[,d]]]
- Being: d=decimal number
- d > 0: frequency in Hertz
- d = 0: turn off the oscillator
- d < 0: no change in frequency
Sets the current oscillator frequencies to 99.5, 440, 45, and 72 Hz respectively:
Sets the OSC 1 frequency to 98.7 Hz:
Sets the OSC 2 frequency to 100 Hz, but leave the others with the current frequency:
same as:
The frequency set does not trigger the frequency values saving to the config file.
- Format: *d[,d[,d[,d]]]
- Being: d=decimal number
- d > 0: number to multiply the current frequency
- d = 0: turn off the oscillator
- d < 0: multiply the base frequency from config by ABS(d)
Multiply the current oscillator frequencies by 2, 0.5, 4 and 3 respectively:
Multiply the frequency of OSC 1 by 0.125:
Set the frequency of OSC 1 to the last written config value multiplied by 2.5:
- Format: +d[,d[,d[,d]]]
- Being: d=decimal number
- d > 0: increment the frequency in d hertz
- d = 0: no imcrement
- d < 0: decrement the frequency in -d hertz
Increment the current oscillator frequencies by 100, -50, 20 and 30 Hertz respectively:
Decrement the oscillator frequency of OSC 1 by 100 Hertz:
- Format: /d[,d[,d[,d]]]
- Being: d=decimal number
- d > 0: duty for the oscillator (1-1023)
- d = 0: turn off the oscillator (0% duty)
- d < 0: no change in duty
Set the duties to 512 for all the oscillators:
Set the duty for OSC 1 to 900:
Set the duty for OSC 1 to 900 and OSC 4 to 400:
List all files in flash memory
- Format: dir
Logs the content of a file
- Format: type [fileName]
- Being
- fileName: the full file name (cannot contain spaces)
type /init.cmd
Deletes a file
- Format: del [fileName]
- Being
- fileName: the full file name to delete (cannot contain spaces)
del /p0
Creates a new file
- Format: create [fileName] [contents]
- Being
- fileName: the full file name to create (cannot contain spaces)
- contents: the textual contents of the file
Create a preset file:
create /p0 220,440,620,840|512,512,512,512|1111
The preset file can be loaded with "load" command: load 0
Create a song file:
create /song1 mF440,520:1:512,512|2,1.5:1|f460,540:2|a1,1:1|=4|A10:1|L0
The song file can be played with "play" command: play /song1
Create a command file:
create /up-down do repeat 10|+1|delay 0.2 ; repeat 10|+-1|delay 0.2 ; off
The command file can be executed with "exec" command: exec /up-down
Create a parametrized command file:
create /up-down do repeat {0}|+{1}|delay {2} ; repeat {0}|+-{1}|delay {2} ; off
The command file can be executed with "exec" command: exec /up-down 10,1,0.2
Turn off an oscillator
- Format: off [n]
- Being
- n > 0: the oscillator number to turn off
- n missing: turn off all the oscillators (default)
off 1
Will turn off the first oscillator
Turn on an oscillator
- Format: on [n]
- Being:
- n > 0: the oscillator number to turn on
- n missing: turn off all the oscillators (default)
on 1
Will turn on the first oscillator
Will save the current frequencies, duties and switches to a preset file
- Format: save i
- Being:
- i >= 0: Preset index (default is 0)
save 0
Will load and set the frequency, duty, and switches values from the preset file
- Format: load i
- Being:
- i >= 0: Preset index (default is 0)
load 0
- Format: f,f,f,f|d,d,d,d|ssss
- Being:
- f: Frequency values
- d: Duty values
- s: switch value
- Format: play SongIndex[,Iterations[,Speed[,Variation]]]
- Being:
- SongIndex=The song index to play
- Iterations=Times to repeat the song (default is 1)
- value>0: Times to repeat
- value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
- Speed=(optional) Speed to play at (1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed, 0.5 is half speed) (default is 1)
- value>0: Multiply speed by x
- Variation=(optional) number:
- value>0: randomize the steps order with the given number as seed.
- value=0: pseudo randomize steps
- value<0: no randomizing (default)
Play the song at index 0, no repetition, at normal speed
play 0
Play the song at index 1, repeat 10 times, at 5x speed
play 1,10,5
Play the song at index 1, repeat 20 times, at 4x speed, with pseudo-random steps order
play 1,20,4,0
Play the song at index 0, Repeat 2 times, at 1.5x speed, using a randomization for the steps with seed = 5
play 0,2,1.5,5
- Format: play SongFileName[,Iterations[,Speed[,Variation]]]
- Being:
- SongFileName=The song full file name (the file must exists, can be created with CREATE command)
- Iterations=Times to repeat the song (default is 1)
- value>0: Times to repeat
- value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
- Speed=(optional) Speed to play at (1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed, 0.5 is half speed) (default is 1)
- value>0: Multiply speed by x
- Variation=(optional) number:
- value>0: randomize the steps order with the given number as seed.
- value=0: pseudo randomize steps
- value<0: no randomizing (default)
Play the song at file song1, no repetition, at normal speed
play song1
Play the song at file song2, repeat 10 times, at 5x speed
play song2,10,5
Play the song at file song3, repeat 20 times, at 4x speed, with pseudo-random steps order
play song3,20,4,0
Play the song at file song4, Repeat 2 times, at 1.5x speed, using a randomization for the steps with seed = 5
play song4,2,1.5,5
Format: DefaultStepType StepsPSV (no space separation)
- F: Set the base and current frequency
- f: Set the current frequency
- M: Multiply the base frequency
- m: Multiply the current frequency
- A: Increment the base frequency
- a: Increment the current frequency
StepsPSV: Pipe (|) separated list of steps
- Step format: [StepType]OperandValuesCSV:DurationInSeconds[:DutiesCSV]
- Being
- StepType: One of
- F: Set the base and current frequency
- f: Set the current frequency
- M: Multiply the base frequency and set current as base * operand
- m: Multiply the current frequency
- A: Increment the base frequency and set current as base + operand
- a: Increment the current frequency
- L or l: Loads the freqs, duties and switches from a preset
- S or s: Saves the current freqs, duties and switches values in a preset
- =: Repeat the step #operand (first step is 1, etc)
- NULL: If no StepType is specified, the DefaultStepType is used
- StepType: One of
- Default step type is "m" (multiply the current frequency)
- 1st step: Set the first two oscillators base frequencies to 440 and 520 hz respectively, set the first two oscillator duties to 512, and wait 1 second
- 2nd step: Multiply the first two oscillators current frequencies by 2 and 1.5 respectively, and wait 1 second
- 3rd step: Set the first two oscillators current frequencies to 460 and 540 hz respectively, and wait 2 seconds
- 4th step: Increment the first two oscillators current frequencies by 1, and wait 1 second
- 5th step: Repeat the 4th step
- 6th step: Set the first oscillator value as the base frequency + 10 hz, and wait 1 second
- 7th step: Loads the preset at index 0
- Default step type is "m" (multiply the current frequency)
Will stop playing the current song (only available via Bluetooth)
- Format: seq [StartIndex[,EndIndex[,Interval[,Iterations[,Variation]]]]]
- Being:
- StartIndex=The first preset index to play (default is 0)
- EndIndex=The last preset index to play (default is 3)
- Interval=Time in seconds to play each preset (default is 1 second)
- Iterations=(optional) Times to repeat the preset loop (default is 0, forever)
- value>0: Times to repeat
- value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
- Variation=(optional) number:
- value>0: randomize the steps order with the given number as seed.
- value=0: pseudo randomize steps
- value<0: no randomizing (default)
Play the presets 0 to 3 in order, on a forever loop, one second each preset
seq 0,3,1
Play the presets 0 to 15, in random order, 5 times, ten seconds on each preset
seq 0,15,10,5,0
Will stop playing the preset loop (only available via Bluetooth)
Repeats a command sequence a given number of times
- Format: repeat Times|Cmd1|Cmd2|...|CmdN
- Being:
- Times=Number of times to repeat the command sequence
- value>0: Times to repeat
- value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
- CmdX=The commands to execute
- Times=Number of times to repeat the command sequence
repeat 10|on|+40,25,30,10|delay 1|+-40,-25,-30,-10|delay 1|off|delay 2|
Repeats a command sequence until stopped (equivalent to repeat -1|...
- Format: loop Cmd1|Cmd2|...|CmdN
- Being:
- CmdX=The commands to execute
loop *2,4,2,0.5|delay 10|load 0|delay 5
Will stop playing the repeat sequence (only available via Bluetooth)
To sequentially execute commands given as a semicolon (;) separated list of commands.
- Format: do cmd1;cmd2;...
- Being:
- cmdx: Any valid command (except the commands "do", "create", "exec" and "init")
do on;load 0;delay 1;seq 0,3
Turn on all the oscillators, loads the first preset, waits for 1 second and finally plays the presets 0 to 3 in order.
do repeat 10|+1|delay 0.5 ; repeat 10|+-1|delay 0.5 ; off
Repeat 10 times an increment of 1 hz in the first oscillator, then repeat 10 times a decrement of 1 hz in the first oscillator and finally turn off the oscillators
To execute the content of a previously saved file.
- Format: exec fileName [param1,param2,...]
- Being
- fileName: the full file name to execute (mandatory, cannot contain spaces)
- paramN: A parameter for the execution (optional). The parameters are replaced by placeholders in the form "{i}", being i the index of the parameter being passed
exec /up-down 100,1,0.2
To Set the initial commands to execute after turning on the device
- Format: init cmd1;cmd2;...
- Being:
- cmdx: Any valid string command
init seq 0,3,1,0
init load 2;play 1,2
debug 1
debug 0
Notify the BLE clients for the current frequencies and duties and prints the current frequencies and duties
Restart the hardware
Waits for the given time in seconds
delay 10