Releases: theonegalen/UnKerballedStart
Releases · theonegalen/UnKerballedStart
UnKerballedStart 1.3.2 - CKAN Syntax Fix
Identical to prior release except for a CKAN syntax fix provided by @HebaruSan - Thank you!
UnKerballedStart 1.3.1 - Hotfix
Hotfix to fix the position of the bottom node on the LVT-05 when Restock is installed. Thanks to Graploos on KSP forums for the bug report.
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
UnKerballedStart v.1.3.0 - Happy New Year!
UnKerballedStart is alive again for 2022!
What's Changed
- Update for 1.10.1 Stock by @theonegalen in #8
- Add Support for CNAR by @theonegalen in #9
- FINAL -> LAST by @theonegalen in #17
- Development by @theonegalen in #18
- To Dev branch by @theonegalen in #20
- Clamp-O-Trons Mod Supports by @theonegalen in #22
- Add more ReStockPlus parts. by @ahmedcharles in #26
- Add support for RestockRigidLegs. by @ahmedcharles in #27
- Add support for CryoEngines and CryoTanks. by @ahmedcharles in #25
- Stock/MakingHistory/MissingHistory part rebalance. by @ahmedcharles in #28
- Liquid engines update for 1.12.2 by @RojinBaka in #35
- Add Bluedog_DB to Mod support by @Gordon-Dry in #32
New Contributors
- @theonegalen made their first contribution in #8
- @ahmedcharles made their first contribution in #26
- @RojinBaka made their first contribution in #35
- @Gordon-Dry made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog:
UnKerballedStart v1.2.0 - Grand Re-Opening!
UnKerballedStart is under (kind of) new management. SpinkAkron has given me his blessing to continue the mod.
Maintenance stuff:
- Updated for new parts from 1.8.0 to 1.10.1
- Fix LVT05 and LVT10 Engines not showing up with ReStock, also gave them worse specific impulse
- add NEEDS to CustomBarnKit to prevent problems with Bureaucracy
- CBK allows SPH and VAB to create 40 part craft at Tier 1 (this had been done with v1.1.0, but was not mentioned in the changelog)
- moved heatshields out of Life Support and Hydroponics nodes
- removed
from MM patches - added version file for KSP-AVC users
New Mod Support:
- CNAR - Completely Non-Aggressive Rocketry by DylanSemrau
- Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes by ev0