A mock PowerShell module for templating and reference.
First, ensure PSGallery
is registered as a PowerShell repository:
Register-PSRepository -Default -Verbose
To install the module:
# Latest, for the current user
Install-Module -Name PSMockModule -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Verbose
# Specific version, for the current user
Install-Module -Name PSMockModule -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion x.x.x -Scope CurrentUser -Verbose
# Latest, for all users
Install-Module -Name PSMockModule -Repository PSGallery -Scope AllUsers -Verbose
Mock-Function1 [<CommonParameters>]
Mock-Function2 [<CommonParameters>]
To run Mock-Function1:
Mock-Function1 -Verbose
To run Mock-Function2:
Mock-Function2 -Verbose
To list all available functions of the module:
Get-Command -Module PSMockModule
To list versions of the module on PSGallery
# Latest
Find-Module -Name PSMockModule -Repository PSGallery -Verbose
# All versions
Find-Module -Name PSMockModule -Repository PSGallery -AllVersions -Verbose
To update the module (Existing versions are left intact):
# Latest
Update-Module -Name PSMockModule -Verbose
# Specific version
Update-Module -Name PSMockModule -RequiredVersion x.x.x -Verbose
To uninstall the module:
# Latest
Uninstall-Module -Name PSMockModule -Verbose
# All versions
Uninstall-Module -Name PSMockModule -AllVersions -Verbose
# To uninstall all other versions other than x.x.x
Get-Module -Name PSMockModule -ListAvailable | ? { $_.Version -ne 'x.x.x' } | % { Uninstall-Module -Name $_.Name -RequiredVersion $_.Version -Verbose }
# Tip: Simulate uninstalls with -WhatIf
To get all registered PowerShell repositories:
Get-PSRepository -Verbose
To set the installation policy for the PSGallery
# PSGallery (trusted)
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted -Verbose
# PSGallery (untrusted)
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Untrusted -Verbose
To import / re-import the module:
# Installed version
Import-Module -Name PSMockModule -Force -Verbose
# Project version
Import-Module .\src\PSMockModule\PSMockModule.psm1 -Force -Verbose
To remove imported functions of the module:
Remove-Module -Name PSMockModule -Verbose
To list imported versions of the module:
Get-Module -Name PSMockModule
To list all installed versions of the module available for import:
Get-Module -Name PSMockModule -ListAvailable -Verbose