ASP.NET Core Example
To open Clone/Download the master branch of the repository. Open CustomWebApp (either the sln or the csproj file). Run using ISS Express (Ctrl + F5, F5, or the Run button from withing Visual Studio).
Three Controllers, two of which capture form information and would generally use it to make a database query. I utilize custom data types to allow it to be functional without a Database hit. Since speed is a priority above all else I have focused on that, hopefully this presents at least C# competency (Difficult to present skills without a good use case). Basic form validation.
- Search functionality (Search Controller).
- General logic of a login system (SigninController and User Model).
- Simple redirects to pages (HomeController).
ASP.NET Core (HTML5, CSS3). JQuery due to usage of Bootstrap.
- Hash and Salt Password before being sent to the Database. (Store Hash and Salt, then verify the login by hashing an attempted pass with said salt).
- Add more form validation (check client side and server side). Ex: Create a Password Requirement (Atleast x characters long, with: a number, upper alpha, lower alpha, and special character).
- Create more Secure SQL Queries and Test them, ensure little threat of SQLi.
- Update Front End.