An example of a Theia-based extension using the timeline-chart library.
It will build and open the theia app automatically.
Here just open the timeline-data.json
with Open timeline
Copy your script to profile into the example folder
cd example
node --prof your-script.js
This will create an isolate-XYZ-v8.log
node --prof-process --preprocess isolate-XYZ-v8.log | ./data-converter.js
That will create the timeline-data.json
which can open with
-> `Open Timeline``
Install nvm.
curl -o- | bash
Install npm and node.
nvm install 8
nvm use 8
Install yarn.
npm install -g yarn
yarn rebuild:browser
cd browser-app
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser and here open the example folder of this project. Then open timeline-data.json with Timeline.
yarn rebuild:electron
cd electron-app
yarn start
Here open the example folder of this project. Then open timeline-data.json with Timeline.