(ie, μ-shell), modeled after csh.
- Clone repo, cd into the directory.
- from command line:
$ make $ ./ush
- dependency - csh
- install csh :
sudo apt install csh
- install csh :
- Run tests:
make test
- For all successful tests- output will be something like this:
bash test.sh
running tests/test_builtins.txt
running tests/test_exec.txt
running tests/test_pipeserr.txt
running tests/test_pipes.txt
running tests/test_stderr.txt
running tests/test_stdinouterr.txt
running tests/test_stdin.txt
running tests/test_stdoutapp.txt
running tests/test_stdout.txt
- add ush to path in bash
export PATH=/home/user/dir/:$PATH