Visualizing Los Angeles Bike share data from July 2016 to March 2017
See live here:
Station Popularity
- Heatmap displaying the popularity of each starting and ending bike station in LA
Monthly Trends
- Bar charts analyzing how ridership changes throughout the year.
- Click on buttons to see relationship between the types of passes used, average trip duration, and number of trips per month
Passholder Breakdown
- Displays the number of riders who include bike sharing as a regular part of their commute
- Assumed that all pass types, excluding "Walk-up," signify regular riders
- Donut chart showing the ratio of pass holder types
- Hover over each section of the chart to see the exact count and the breakdown of each Trip Route Category-Passholder type combination
- Displays the number of riders who include bike sharing as a regular part of their commute
Average Distance
- Calculating the average distance of one way trips
- Used the Haversine Formula on the latitude and longitudes of starting and ending stations
- Calculating the average distance of round trips
- Assumed the the average biker travels at 6 miles per hour
- Multiplied my assumed average speed by the total duration of all one way trips
- Calculated the combined average by taking a weighted average of the two
- Calculating the average distance of one way trips
Net Change in Bikes per Station
- Multi-Line chart displaying the net change of bike trips per station throughout the course of a day
- Found the number of bikes leaving and arriving at a specific station and graphed the difference
- Can change the currently graphed station by using the drop-down menu
- Javascript, HTML, and CSS for Frontend
- D3.js for the Bar Charts, Donut Chart, and the Multi-Line Chart
- Google Maps Visualization API for the Heatmap
- Papa Parse to parse the csv files