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Smithing Table Functions

thedarkcolour edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

#Smithing Table

Add recipes to the smithing table.

The import for 1.12 is

import mods.futuremc.SmithingTable;

The import for 1.15 is

import futuremc.crafttweaker.SmithingTable;

Adding a Recipe (1.12)

Adds a recipe to the smithing table. Paramters:

input: IItemStack - the type of item (id)

material: IItemStack the material and how much of it (id, metadata, quantity)

result: IItemStack the result item with NBT from input (id)

import mods.futuremc.SmithingTable;

SmithingTable.addRecipe(<minecraft:diamond_pickaxe>, <futuremc:netherite_ingot>, <futuremc:netherite_pickaxe>);

Adding a Recipe (1.15)

Adds a recipe to the smithing table. Parameters:

name: String - The name of the recipe to add (ex. "netherite_pickaxe_from_smithing")

result: IItemStack - The resulting upgrade of the input (ex. Netherite Pickaxe)

input: IIngredient - The item to be upgraded (ex. Diamond Pickaxe)

material: IIngredient - The material to upgrade the input with (ex. Netherite Ingot)

materialCost: int - The amount of material needed to ugprade the item (ex. 1)

import futuremc.crafttweaker.SmithingTable;

SmithingTable.addRecipe("netherite_pickaxe_from_smithing", <item:futuremc:netherite_pickaxe>, <item:minecraft:diamond_pickaxe>, <item:futuremc:netherite_ingot>, 1);

Removing a Recipe (1.12)

Remove a recipe

import mods.futuremc.SmithingTable;

SmithingTable.removeRecipe(<minecraft:diamond_pickaxe>, <futuremc:netherite_ingot>);

Removing a Recipe (1.15)


Clearing defaults (1.12)

Call clearDefaults.

import mods.futuremc.SmithingTable;


Clearing defaults (1.15)