This package contains a StackPHP middleware that enables you to push a Symfony
application (actually a Kernel
) directly on the middleware stack.
The Symfony application will try to handle requests but instead of sending a 404 response if no route is found,
the next middleware on the stack will be called.
Through Composer as mouf/symfony-middleware.
Simply use the SymfonyMiddleWare
class in your middleware stack:
use Mouf\StackPhp\SymfonyMiddleware;
use My\Symfony\Application;
use Stack\Builder;
$app = ...
$symfonyApplication = new Application(...);
$stack = (new Stack\Builder())
->push(SymfonyMiddleware::class, $symfonyApplication);
$app = $stack->resolve($app);
Why would I want to make a Symfony app a middleware? Because if every app becomes a middleware, we can easily chain middlewares together, and therefore, chain many frameworks in the same application... and this is cool :)