#App Survey Application allows user to take a survey
#How to run
- Install dependencies
- Migrate database
- i.e. Setup sample data
- Install dependencies:
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- Clone sample_database.yml into database.yml and change config to connect your database.
- Create database & sample data:
bundle exec rake db:setup
- Install dependencies:
- This app contains hightchart js that allows using under free licenses only for non-profit projects.
- There are several free JavaScript Libraries, i.e. Raphaël, that can be extended to draw charts easily.
- Ruby gem:
gem 'survey', '~> 0.1'
: https://github.com/runtimerevolution/survey- According to Author: "Survey models were designed to be flexible enough in order to be extended and integrated with your own models."
- This gem defines the concept of participant: "Every participant can respond to surveys and every response is registered as a attempt"
- Thank you Runtime Revolution for this gem!
#Sample data References