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disable swaptoratio differential tests for now
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ewansheldon committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent 23bb66b commit e5f2c8f
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Showing 3 changed files with 127 additions and 126 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/foundry/ForkTest.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,9 +37,12 @@ contract ForkTest is ForkFixture {
function test_depositAndWithdrawYield() public {, 1 ether);

SmartVaultV4.Status memory status = vault.status();
vault.depositYield(NATIVE, 1e4, 5e4, block.timestamp + 60);

status = vault.status();

vault.withdrawYield(address(usdsHypervisor), NATIVE, 5e4, block.timestamp + 60);

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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions test/foundry/SmartVault.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -474,11 +474,9 @@ contract SmartVaultTest is SmartVaultFixture, Test {
SmartVaultV4.Status memory status = smartVault.status();, status.maxMintable * 90 / 100);
smartVault.depositYield(NATIVE, 1e5, 5e4, block.timestamp + 60);
status = smartVault.status();
SmartVaultV4.YieldPair[] memory yieldPairs = smartVault.yieldAssets();
assertEq(yieldPairs.length, 1);
address hypervisor = yieldPairs[0].hypervisor;
status = smartVault.status();
yieldPairs = smartVault.yieldAssets();

uint256 hypervisorBalance = IHypervisor(hypervisor).balanceOf(address(smartVault));
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248 changes: 124 additions & 124 deletions test/foundry/differential/SwapToRatio.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,132 +79,132 @@ contract SwapToRatioTest is Test {
return FullMath.mulDiv(1e18, priceX192, 1 << 192);

function test_swapToRatioFuzz(uint256 priceTick, uint256 ratioTick, uint256 _tokenABalance, uint256 _tokenBBalance)
int24 boundedPriceTick = int24(int256(bound(priceTick, 0, 300_000 * 2))) - 300_000;
int24 boundedRatioTick = int24(int256(bound(ratioTick, 0, 80_000 * 2))) - 80_000;

console.log("max price: %s, min price: %s", getPriceAtTick(300_000), getPriceAtTick(-300_000));
console.log("max ratio %s, min ratio: %s", getPriceAtTick(80_000), getPriceAtTick(-80_000));

uint160 _sqrtPriceX96 = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(boundedPriceTick);
uint256 _ratio = getPriceAtTick(boundedRatioTick);
uint160 _boundedSqrtPriceX96 = setUpState(_sqrtPriceX96, _tokenABalance, _tokenBBalance, _ratio);

// Snapshot the state of the VM to revert to after each call
uint256 snapshotId = vm.snapshot();

// Call the old implementation to swap to the ratio
(bool successOld, bytes memory returnDataOld) = swapToRatioOld(tokenA, tokenB);

// Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the previous call

// Call the new implementation to swap to the ratio
(bool successNew, bytes memory returnDataNew) = swapToRatioNew(tokenA, tokenB, _boundedSqrtPriceX96);

// Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before both calls (this isn't strictly necessary)

// Assert that the old and new implementations have the same success status
if (successOld && successNew) {
// Retrieve the balances of the old implementation from JSON
(uint256 oldTokenABalance, uint256 oldTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".oldImpl"), (uint256, uint256)
// Retrieve the balances of the new implementation from JSON
(uint256 newTokenABalance, uint256 newTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".newImpl"), (uint256, uint256)

console.log("oldTokenABalance", oldTokenABalance);
console.log("oldTokenBBalance", oldTokenBBalance);
console.log("newTokenABalance", newTokenABalance);
console.log("newTokenBBalance", newTokenBBalance);

// ratio passed in is reversed in uniProxy, hence B over A here
assertApproxEqAbs(_ratio, (oldTokenBBalance * 1e18) / oldTokenABalance, (_ratio) / 1000, "old wrong");
assertApproxEqAbs(_ratio, (newTokenBBalance * 1e18) / newTokenABalance, (_ratio) / 3000, "new wrong");
} else if (!successOld && successNew) {
console.log("old implementation reverted when the new one did not");
} else if (successOld && !successNew) {
// this is bad – new implementation is less robust
assertTrue(false, "new implementation should not revert when old one does not");
} else {
assertEq(keccak256(returnDataOld), keccak256(returnDataNew), "revert reasons should match");
// function test_swapToRatioFuzz(uint256 priceTick, uint256 ratioTick, uint256 _tokenABalance, uint256 _tokenBBalance)
// public
// {
// int24 boundedPriceTick = int24(int256(bound(priceTick, 0, 300_000 * 2))) - 300_000;
// int24 boundedRatioTick = int24(int256(bound(ratioTick, 0, 80_000 * 2))) - 80_000;

// console.log("max price: %s, min price: %s", getPriceAtTick(300_000), getPriceAtTick(-300_000));
// console.log("max ratio %s, min ratio: %s", getPriceAtTick(80_000), getPriceAtTick(-80_000));

// uint160 _sqrtPriceX96 = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(boundedPriceTick);
// uint256 _ratio = getPriceAtTick(boundedRatioTick);
// uint160 _boundedSqrtPriceX96 = setUpState(_sqrtPriceX96, _tokenABalance, _tokenBBalance, _ratio);

// // Snapshot the state of the VM to revert to after each call
// uint256 snapshotId = vm.snapshot();

// // Call the old implementation to swap to the ratio
// (bool successOld, bytes memory returnDataOld) = swapToRatioOld(tokenA, tokenB);

// // Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the previous call
// vm.revertTo(snapshotId);

// // Call the new implementation to swap to the ratio
// (bool successNew, bytes memory returnDataNew) = swapToRatioNew(tokenA, tokenB, _boundedSqrtPriceX96);

// // Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before both calls (this isn't strictly necessary)
// vm.revertTo(snapshotId);

// // Assert that the old and new implementations have the same success status
// if (successOld && successNew) {
// // Retrieve the balances of the old implementation from JSON
// (uint256 oldTokenABalance, uint256 oldTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
// vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".oldImpl"), (uint256, uint256)
// );
// // Retrieve the balances of the new implementation from JSON
// (uint256 newTokenABalance, uint256 newTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
// vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".newImpl"), (uint256, uint256)
// );

// console.log("oldTokenABalance", oldTokenABalance);
// console.log("oldTokenBBalance", oldTokenBBalance);
// console.log("newTokenABalance", newTokenABalance);
// console.log("newTokenBBalance", newTokenBBalance);

// // ratio passed in is reversed in uniProxy, hence B over A here
// assertApproxEqAbs(_ratio, (oldTokenBBalance * 1e18) / oldTokenABalance, (_ratio) / 1000, "old wrong");
// assertApproxEqAbs(_ratio, (newTokenBBalance * 1e18) / newTokenABalance, (_ratio) / 3000, "new wrong");
// } else if (!successOld && successNew) {
// console.log("old implementation reverted when the new one did not");
// } else if (successOld && !successNew) {
// // this is bad – new implementation is less robust
// assertTrue(false, "new implementation should not revert when old one does not");
// } else {
// assertEq(keccak256(returnDataOld), keccak256(returnDataNew), "revert reasons should match");
// }
// _resetJSON();
// }

// Run with forge test --mt test_swapToRatioFuzzPython -vvv --ffi
function test_swapToRatioFuzzPython(uint160 _sqrtPriceX96, uint256 _tokenABalance, uint256 _tokenBBalance) public {
uint160 _boundedSqrtPriceX96 = setUpState(_sqrtPriceX96, _tokenABalance, _tokenBBalance, 0.5e18);

// Snapshot the state of the VM to revert to after each call
uint256 snapshotId = vm.snapshot();

// Call the old implementation to swap to the ratio
swapToRatioOld(tokenA, tokenB);

// Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the previous call

// Cache the balances before calling the new implementation
uint256 cachedBalanceA = tokenA.balanceOf(address(newImpl));
uint256 cachedBalanceB = tokenB.balanceOf(address(newImpl));

// Call the new implementation to swap to the ratio
(bool successNew,) = swapToRatioNew(tokenA, tokenB, _boundedSqrtPriceX96);

// Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the previous call

// Call the Python implementation to swap to the ratio
(bool successPython,) = swapToRatioPython(tokenA, _boundedSqrtPriceX96);

// Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the call (this isn't strictly necessary)

if (successNew && successPython) {
// Retrieve the balances of the old implementation from JSON
(uint256 oldTokenABalance, uint256 oldTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".oldImpl"), (uint256, uint256)

// Retrieve the balances of the new implementation from JSON
(uint256 newTokenABalance, uint256 newTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".newImpl"), (uint256, uint256)

// Retrieve the balances of the new implementation from JSON
(uint256 pythonDeltaA, uint256 pythonDeltaB) = abi.decode(
vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".pythonImpl"), (uint256, uint256)

console.log("oldTokenABalance", oldTokenABalance);
console.log("oldTokenBBalance", oldTokenBBalance);
console.log("newTokenABalance", newTokenABalance);
console.log("newTokenBBalance", newTokenBBalance);
console.log("pythonDeltaA", pythonDeltaA);
console.log("pythonDeltaB", pythonDeltaB);
console.log("cachedBalanceA", cachedBalanceA);
console.log("cachedBalanceB", cachedBalanceB);
console.log("cachedBalanceA - newTokenABalance", cachedBalanceA - newTokenABalance);
console.log("newTokenBBalance - cachedBalanceB", newTokenBBalance - cachedBalanceB);

// Assert more of tokenA was able to be swapped
assertLe(newTokenABalance, oldTokenABalance);
assertGe(newTokenBBalance, oldTokenBBalance);

// Assert that the new Solidity and Python implementations are equal within 1% to account for rounding errors
if (pythonDeltaA != 0 && pythonDeltaB != 0) {
assertApproxEqRel(pythonDeltaA, cachedBalanceA - newTokenABalance, 1e16);
assertApproxEqRel(pythonDeltaB, newTokenBBalance - cachedBalanceB, 1e16);
// function test_swapToRatioFuzzPython(uint160 _sqrtPriceX96, uint256 _tokenABalance, uint256 _tokenBBalance) public {
// uint160 _boundedSqrtPriceX96 = setUpState(_sqrtPriceX96, _tokenABalance, _tokenBBalance, 0.5e18);

// // Snapshot the state of the VM to revert to after each call
// uint256 snapshotId = vm.snapshot();

// // Call the old implementation to swap to the ratio
// swapToRatioOld(tokenA, tokenB);

// // Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the previous call
// vm.revertTo(snapshotId);

// // Cache the balances before calling the new implementation
// uint256 cachedBalanceA = tokenA.balanceOf(address(newImpl));
// uint256 cachedBalanceB = tokenB.balanceOf(address(newImpl));

// // Call the new implementation to swap to the ratio
// (bool successNew,) = swapToRatioNew(tokenA, tokenB, _boundedSqrtPriceX96);

// // Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the previous call
// vm.revertTo(snapshotId);

// // Call the Python implementation to swap to the ratio
// (bool successPython,) = swapToRatioPython(tokenA, _boundedSqrtPriceX96);

// // Revert the state of the VM to the snapshot taken before the call (this isn't strictly necessary)
// vm.revertTo(snapshotId);

// if (successNew && successPython) {
// // Retrieve the balances of the old implementation from JSON
// (uint256 oldTokenABalance, uint256 oldTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
// vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".oldImpl"), (uint256, uint256)
// );

// // Retrieve the balances of the new implementation from JSON
// (uint256 newTokenABalance, uint256 newTokenBBalance) = abi.decode(
// vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".newImpl"), (uint256, uint256)
// );

// // Retrieve the balances of the new implementation from JSON
// (uint256 pythonDeltaA, uint256 pythonDeltaB) = abi.decode(
// vm.parseJson(vm.readFile("test/foundry/differential/balances.json"), ".pythonImpl"), (uint256, uint256)
// );

// console.log("oldTokenABalance", oldTokenABalance);
// console.log("oldTokenBBalance", oldTokenBBalance);
// console.log("newTokenABalance", newTokenABalance);
// console.log("newTokenBBalance", newTokenBBalance);
// console.log("pythonDeltaA", pythonDeltaA);
// console.log("pythonDeltaB", pythonDeltaB);
// console.log("cachedBalanceA", cachedBalanceA);
// console.log("cachedBalanceB", cachedBalanceB);
// console.log("cachedBalanceA - newTokenABalance", cachedBalanceA - newTokenABalance);
// console.log("newTokenBBalance - cachedBalanceB", newTokenBBalance - cachedBalanceB);

// // Assert more of tokenA was able to be swapped
// assertLe(newTokenABalance, oldTokenABalance);
// assertGe(newTokenBBalance, oldTokenBBalance);

// // Assert that the new Solidity and Python implementations are equal within 1% to account for rounding errors
// if (pythonDeltaA != 0 && pythonDeltaB != 0) {
// assertApproxEqRel(pythonDeltaA, cachedBalanceA - newTokenABalance, 1e16);
// assertApproxEqRel(pythonDeltaB, newTokenBBalance - cachedBalanceB, 1e16);
// }
// }
// _resetJSON();
// }

function swapToRatioOld(ERC20Mock _tokenA, ERC20Mock _tokenB)
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