The course on Embedded Systems (ACE411) at TU Crete had us develop a Sudoku Solver on an ATMega16 (Using the STK-500). So I wrote a small frontend / interface in Rust to interact with the STK-500 over UART.
Because I wanted to learn more about Rust and I was definitely not going to be sending 81 Cells by hand using Putty
The Interface has the following functionality:
- Generate Uniquely Solvable Sudoku Boards using the sudoku Crate
- Solve the board and remove Cells in order to create Difficulty Levels (whilst remaining Uniquely Solvable)
- Bulk Board Generation
- Download a board to the STK-500
- Receive Board and check solution
- Measure Time until receiving "Solve" signal
- Can Drop you into Interactive Shell suporting a specific Hayes Command Set
- Cross Platform (Windows / Linux) using the serialport-rs Crate
- Variable UART Configurations (Data bits, Stop bits, etc) Provided by the Crate
- Export Current Board with time to solve
The interface has 4 modes:
- gen (Bulk Generate Boards)
- prog (Program a created board to the STK-500 and optionally drop into interactive shell)
- run (Same as above but generates a board at Runtime, drops into interactive shell afterwards)
- list (List available UART Ports)
The Hayes Command Set
Command | From | To | Response | Description |
AT | PC | AVR | OK | Attention |
C | PC | AVR | OK | Clear |
P | PC | AVR | OK | Start Solving |
D* | AVR | PC | S | AVR Done Solving |
T | PC | AVR | N<X><Y><NUM> | AVR sends the contents of X,Y cell, PC replies with T to receive the next one |
D* | AVR | PC | OK | AVR Done Sending Solved Board |
B | PC | AVR | OK | AVR Stops any calculations |
D<X><Y> | PC | AVR | N<X><Y><NUM> | AVR returns contents of X,Y Cell |
Note that each Command and Response have "\r\n" in the end.
You can find the latest release on the Release Tab.
Or you can Build it yourself.
- Available commands:
$ ./ace411_sudoku -h
ace411_sudoku 0.1.0
ace411_sudoku <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
gen Generate Boards
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list Lists Available Serial Ports
prog Download Board to MCU
run Run Mode
- List Available boards:
ace411_sudoku list
- Bulk Generate boards:
$ ace411_sudoku gen -h
Generate Boards
ace411_sudoku gen --directory <directory> --number <number>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --directory <directory> Directory to place the Boards
-n, --number <number> Generate <number> boards for EACH
difficulty level
- Download a Board to STK-500:
$ ace411_sudoku prog -h
Download Board to MCU
ace411_sudoku prog [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --board-file <board> --baud-rate <br> --dev <dev>
-h, --help Prints help information
-i, --interactive Enter Interactive shell
-V, --version Prints version information
-b, --board-file <board> Board file to download
-r, --baud-rate <br> Baudrate
--data-bits <db> Data Bits [default: 8] [possible values: 5, 6, 7, 8]
-u, --dev <dev> Device Port
-p, --parity <p> Parity [default: None]
--stop-bits <sb> Stop Bits [default: 1] [possible values: 1, 2]
- Run:
Run Mode
ace411_sudoku run [OPTIONS] --baud-rate <br> --dev <dev> --difficulty <difficulty>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-r, --baud-rate <br> Baudrate
--data-bits <db> Data Bits [default: 8] [possible values: 5, 6, 7, 8]
-u, --dev <dev> Device Port
-d, --difficulty <difficulty> Difficulty of Game [possible values: Easy, Medium, Hard, Ultra]
-p, --parity <p> Parity [default: None]
--stop-bits <sb> Stop Bits [default: 1] [possible values: 1, 2]
- Example Usage:
- Download Easy_1.txt board to an STK-500 in /dev/ttyUSB0 with a baudrate of 9600 and then drop into an interactive shell:
./ace411_sudoku -b Easy_1.txt -u /dev/ttyUSB0 -r 9600 -i
- Same as above but with Parity:
./ace411_sudoku -b Easy_1.txt -u /dev/ttyUSB0 -r 9600 -i -p Odd
Building is only supported in Linux due to required packages by the serialport-rs Crate (See Dependencies)
- Install Rust using rustup
- Install cargo make:
$ cargo install cargo-make
- Add windows target:
$ rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
- Clone this repo
$ cargo make sudoku
- Binaries will be available under
directory - Profit?
The serialport-rs Crate requires pkg-config
and libudev
headers to be installed
Add UART functionality
Send Unsolved Board
Receive Solved Board and Check
Await Responses Each time a write is issued
Interactive Shell Conforming to the Hayes Command Set
Replies when Necessary
Help Menu For Shell
Cross Platform UART Ports (serialport-rs)
Add Difficulty Levels [Easy, Medium, Hard, Ultra]
Randomly Remove Cells (Remaining Uniquely Solvable)
Create Boards
Explicit Board Generation
Explicit Board Download to AVR
Calculate Time until Solution arrives
Argument Passing
Anything else I find down the road
Comments & Documentation