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Firebase Setup

Zachary Orr edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 11 revisions

Setup Firebase

  1. Navigate to the Firebase Console
  2. Click Add Project
  3. Enter a project name to work with - preferably something namespace'd to yourself (ex: zach-tba-dev)
  4. After your project is done setting up, click your newly created project
  5. On the landing page, click Add Firebase to your iOS app
  6. Enter a locally namespaced bundle identifier (ex: com.the-blue-alliance.tba.zach-tba-dev)
  7. Click Register App
  8. Download the GoogleService-Info.plist (we'll use this in the Configure Project step)

Configure Project

This step assumes you've completed all of the steps from the Setup guide

  1. Open the workspace file (the-blue-alliance-ios.xcworkspace)
  2. Click the-blue-alliance-ios project in the project navigator
  3. On the left sidebar, under Targets click The Blue Alliance
  4. Click the General tab along the top bar
  5. Change Bundle Identifier to the bundle identifier you set during the Setup Firebase step
  6. Overwrite the existing GoogleService-Info.plist is in the the-blue-alliance-ios/the-blue-alliance-ios folder with your newly downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist

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