Here's a repo linked to a project I got to do in school : creating an automatic pill dispenser with an Arduino card.
Our main components will be our App and a microcontroller.
The App will be taking orders from the user while the microcontroller will receive and execute them.
The User Interface is an Android app created with MIT's tool for app creation.
Here's the link to the website : (or you can click the image).
The .aia document is in the repo, you could just download it as well as the arduino file and they are fully functionnal.
Here's a picture of our App, it was a very simple one:
Through it we can :
- open and close a drawer thanks to servo motors
- program an alarm (not an alarm from the device, it is a buzzer intergrated in our circuit that goes off)
- check the history of the patient's consumption
The Arduino board communicates with the tablet through a bluetooth module.
The bluetooth module has 4 pins : VCC+ (3,7 to 5V), the GRND, the TX (transmitor) and the RX (the receptor).
Warning : The transmittor of the arduino is connected to the receptor of the module and its receptor to the transmittor of the bluetooth module.
All the information regarding cabling etc. is findable on the internet, it is very simple, a few LEDs, a buzzer, a digicode aznd servos.