th2-codec-hand-html is responsible for receiving RawMessages via RabbitMQ, which contains Fix structure provided in a HTML table format, parsing and processing it, generating Message and then sending it via RabbitMQ.
Hierarchy described below is an arbitrary concept for a HTML table, enough information should be supplemented with a configuration, so that a multi-layer map like structure can be constructed from the flat HTML table.
Config which should be provided is defined as FixHtmlProcessorConfiguration and looks like this:
"messageTypeElClassName" : "table-header",
"contentKey" : "Text out",
"hierarchyStart" : 10,
"hierarchyStep" : 10,
"hierarchyAttribute" : "style",
"hierarchyIndicatorPrefix" : "padding-left: ",
"hierarchyIndicatorSuffix" : "px"
messageTypeElClassName - HTML class name for an element which contains Fix message type
contentKey - Name of a field from which Fix table should be extracted
hierarchyStart - Numeric value for initial depth of hierarchy
hierarchyStep - Numeric value for a depth parameter to indicate stepping in/stepping out from current hierarchy layer
hierarchyAttribute - An HTML tag attribute from which hierarchy indicators should be extracted
hierarchyIndicatorPrefix - Prefix which is being searched inside hierarchyAttribute to get the leftmost index for hierarchy indicator
hierarchyIndicatorSuffix - Suffix which is being searched after hierarchyIndicatorPrefix to get the rightmost index for hierarchy indicator