This tool is designed as a getting useful information out of TAL applications.
The information it gathers is sent via a GET request to the tpmdaemon.
TPM is designed to run on all devices and it is a bug if we cannot retrieve the information from a device. Raise them if you find them!
- This relies on TAL.
- To retrieve "frames per second" for animations you need to run a modified version of TAL.
- You need to include a reference to the TAL performance monitor script in your TAL application AFTER the require.js definition.
- Start the server by running
. By default it runs on port 3000. You can see the options by running./tpmdaemon/server --help
- Modify talperformancemonitor.js to point to your server.
- Load your TAL application and you should the stats output to standard out by the server.
- To get the information from a device you will need to disable your firewall on Mac OSX.