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Simple internationalization library for React


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Internationalization... It should be simple, right? 😉

With react-make-t all there is to internationalization is a simple function of type

type MakeT = (locale: ILocale) => ((targs: ITArgs) => string))

This library works nicely with Next.js, but also with any other React app.


Install the package with:

npm install react-make-t


Then use the module in your code:

import { createI18nContext } from 'react-make-t'
const { I18nProvider, I18nConsumer } = createI18nContext({locale: 'de', t: () => ''})

// A simple implementation of `makeT` which fetches translated strings from an object.
const translations = {
  de: {
    welcome: 'Herzlich Willkommen'

function makeT(locale) {
  const entries = translations[locale]
  if (!entries) throw new Error(`Unknown language: ${locale}`)
  return function (key) {
    const value = entries[key]
    return value || 'translation missing'

// Make the current `locale` and `makeT` available to the application.
function App() {
  return (
    <I18nProvider locale='de' makeT={makeT}>
      <WelcomePage name={'JJ'}/>

// Translate your components!
function WelcomePage({name}) {
  return (
      {(i18n) =>
        <h1>{ i18n.t('welcome') } {name}!</h1>
        <p>The current locale is { i18n.locale }</p>


You may also have a look at the examples located in the examples directory. These can be run locally by cloning this repo, and then running npm install && npm run dev inside one of the example directories.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm test.


react-make-t is Copyright © 2019 tevim GmbH. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.