github actions repository to share reusable actions and workflows
The composite github actions are organized with its versioning on its path (<action-name>-<action-version>).
Login to multiple docker registries
- Example usage:
- name: Login to Docker registries
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && env.DOCKER_BUILD_ENABLED == 'true' && env.DOCKER_PUSH_ENABLED == 'true'
uses: teracyhq-incubator/.github/actions/docker-multiple-login-develop@main
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
dockerhub-username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
dockerhub-token: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
- Options:
See the docker-multiple-login-<version>/action.yaml file.
Build, push and sign the built docker images, requires docker-multiple-login
action for pushing.
- Example usage:
- name: Build, push and sign Docker image
uses: teracyhq-incubator/.github/actions/docker-build-push-sign-develop@main
build-enabled: ${{ env.DOCKER_BUILD_ENABLED }}
push-enabled: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' && env.DOCKER_PUSH_ENABLED == 'true' }}
cosign-key-base64: ${{ secrets.COSIGN_KEY_BASE64 }}
cosign-password: ${{ secrets.COSIGN_PASSWORD }}
- Options:
See the docker-build-push-sign-<version>/action.yaml file.