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First pitiful attempt at affine transforms.
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mwallerb committed Sep 5, 2024
1 parent ec17ca0 commit 831c4ff
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Showing 2 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Quantics.jl
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Expand Up @@ -31,5 +31,6 @@ include("mps.jl")

150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions src/affine.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
using StaticArrays
using ITensors

function affine_transform_mpo(
outsite::AbstractMatrix{<:Index}, insite::AbstractMatrix{<:Index},
A::AbstractMatrix{<:Integer}, b::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
R = size(outsite, 1)
M, N = size(A)
size(insite) == (R, N) ||
throw(ArgumentError("insite is not correctly dimensioned"))
size(b) == (M,) ||
throw(ArgumentError("vector is not correctly dimensioned"))

# get the tensors so that we know how large the links must be
tensors = affine_transform_matrices(
R, SMatrix{M, N, Int}(A), SVector{M, Int}(b))

# Create the links
link = [Index(size(tensors[r], 1), tags="link $r") for r in 1:R-1]

# Fill the MPO, taking care to not include auxiliary links at the edges
mpo = MPO(R)
spin_dims = ntuple(_ -> 2, M + N)
mpo[1] = ITensor(reshape(tensors[1], size(tensors[1])[1], spin_dims...),
(link[1], outsite[1,:]..., insite[1,:]...))
for r in 2:R-1
newshape = size(tensors[r])[1:2]..., spin_dims...
mpo[r] = ITensor(reshape(tensors[r], newshape),
(link[r], link[r-1], outsite[r,:]..., insite[r,:]...))
mpo[R] = ITensor(reshape(tensors[R], size(tensors[R])[2], spin_dims...),
(link[R-1], outsite[R,:]..., insite[R,:]...))
return mpo

function affine_transform_matrices(
R::Int, A::SMatrix{M, N, Int}, b::SVector{M, Int}
) where {M, N}
# Checks
0 <= R <= 62 ||
throw(ArgumentError("invalid value of the length R"))

# Matrix which maps out which bits to add together. We use 2's complement,
# -x == ~x + 1, which means we use two masks: A1 operating on set bits, and
# A0 operating on unset bits. We group the +1 together with the shift.
A1 = @. clamp(A, 0, typemax(Int))
A0 = @. clamp(-A, 0, typemax(Int))
b = b .+ vec(sum(Bool.(A0), dims=2))
println(A1, A0, b)

# Amax is the maximum value that can be reached by multiplying it with set
# or unset bits.
Amax = vec(sum(A0 + A1, dims=2))

# The output tensors are a collection of matrices, but their first two
# dimensions (links) vary
tensors = Array{Bool, 4}[]
sizehint!(tensors, R)

# We have to carry all but the least siginificant bit to the adjacent
# tensor. α is the index of the "outgoing" carrys, which at the beginning
# is simply all zeros.
maxcarry_α = zeros(typeof(b))
ncarry_α = prod(maxcarry_α .+ 1)
base_α = _indexbase_from_size(maxcarry_α, 1)
for r in 1:R
# Copy the outgoing carry α of the previous tensor to the "incoming"
# carry β of the current tensor.
maxcarry_β = maxcarry_α
ncarry_β = ncarry_α

# Figure out the current bit to add from the shift term and shift
# it out from the array
bcurr = @. b & 1
b = @. b >> 1

# Determine the maximum outgoing carry. It is determined by the maximum
# previous carry plus the maximum value of the mapped indices plus the
# current shift, all divided by two. In the case of the last tensor, we
# discard all carrys.
if r == R
maxcarry_α = zeros(typeof(maxcarry_α))
ncarry_α = 1
base_α = _indexbase_from_size(maxcarry_α, 0)
maxcarry_α = @. (maxcarry_β + Amax + bcurr) >> 1
ncarry_α = prod(maxcarry_α .+ 1)
base_α = _indexbase_from_size(maxcarry_α, 1)

values = zeros(Bool, ncarry_α, ncarry_β, 1 << M, 1 << N)
println("\n r=$r $(bcurr)")
# Fill values array. The idea is the following: we iterate over all
# possible values of the carry from the previous tensor (c_β). Each of
# those corresponds to a bond index β.
allcarry_β = map(i -> 0:i, maxcarry_β)
for (β, _c_β) in enumerate(Iterators.product(allcarry_β...))
c_β = SVector{M}(_c_β)

# Now we iterate over all possible indices of the input legs, which
# are all combination of values of N input bits
allspin_j = ntuple(_ -> 0:1, N)
for (j, _σ_j) in enumerate(Iterators.product(allspin_j...))
σ_j = SVector{N, Bool}(_σ_j)

# We apply the transformation y = Ax + b to the current bits
# σ_j and adding the incoming carry c_β. The least significant
# bits are then the output σ_i while the higher-order bits
# form the outgoing carry c_α
ifull = A1 * σ_j + A0 * (.~σ_j) + bcurr + c_β
c_α = @. ifull >> 1
σ_i = SVector{M, Bool}(@. ifull & 1)

# Map the outgoing carry to an index and store
α = mapreduce(*, +, c_α, base_α, init=1)
i = _spins_to_number(σ_i) + 1
println("$(c_α) * 2 + $(σ_i) <- $(c_β) * 2 + $(σ_j)")
values[α, β, i, j] = true
push!(tensors, values)
return tensors

Return inverse matrix to integer A, ensuring that it is indeed integer.
function get_int_invserse(A::AbstractMatrix{<:Integer})
Ainv = inv(A)
Ainv_int = map(eltype(A) round, Ainv)
isapprox(Ainv, Ainv_int, atol=size(A,1)*eps()) ||
throw(DomainError(Ainv, "inverse is not integer"))
return typeof(A)(Ainv)

_indexbase_from_size(v::SVector{M,T}, init::T) where {M,T} =
SVector{M,T}(_indexbase_from_size(Tuple(v), init))
_indexbase_from_size(v::Tuple{}, init::T) where {T} = ()
_indexbase_from_size(v::Tuple{T, Vararg{T}}, init::T) where {T} =
init, _indexbase_from_size(v[2:end], init * v[1])...

_spins_to_number(v::SVector{<:Any, Bool}) = _spins_to_number(Tuple(v))
_spins_to_number(v::Tuple{Bool, Vararg{Bool}}) =
_spins_to_number(v[2:end]) << 1 | v[1]
_spins_to_number(v::Tuple{}) = 0

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