The Gangsta Log Spam tool!
Bombard your Graylog cluster with Raw, Syslog, JSON, CEF, Paloalto, Netflow, Beats, GELF, Cluster-to-Cluster messages to every input at once with the press of a button!
Confluence page with instructions on how to install and use here:
-l parameter defines how many times the script loops. Setting the first parameter to 0 means the script loops forever.
-t parameter defines over how many seconds the script sends the logs.
-i parameter defines the rate at which logs are sent instead via the “Equivalent rate to daily traffic of x GB” value. Note that use of the -i parameter negates any value set for the -t parameter.
-s parameter allows you to define the address of the Graylog server (overwriting the default within the script). Supply an IP address or hostname.
-f parameter allows you to define the address of the Graylog Fowarder (overwriting the default within the script). Supply an IP address or hostname.