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Control Overview Template

Yordan edited this page May 13, 2024 · 1 revision
title: Overview
page_title: .NET MAUI <ControlName> Documentation - Overview
description: <Describe what this article is about or what the user will be able to do after reading this article. Start with an action verb (learn, explore, discover, etc). A good description is around 150 symbols long.>
position: 1
slug: <this-is-a-slug>

# .NET MAUI <ControlName> Overview

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI <ControlName>...

* Describe what you can do with the control, for example, "ListView displays a scrollable vertical list of selectable data items."
* Describe the most common use cases for the control.

Good to have:
* Mention any distinctive features that set it apart from other similar controls on the market. If there isn't such a feature, mention som Mention any features that 
* Mention some of its most useful configuration options.

![A sample Telerik UI for .NET MAUI <ControlName>](images/<filename>.png "Telerik .NET MAUI <ControlName>")

## Key Features of the Telerik .NET MAUI ListView

* List the features of the control.
* Each feature must have a description introduced with an em dash.
* If the feature has a dedicated article, add a link to the article.
* If the mentioned thing is an option, method, etc, and has no dedicated article, add a link to the API reference.
* If you list something that has no dedicated article, but has a dedicated section in another article, then link the section. 

* [<FeatureName>]({% slug <this-is-a-slug> %})&mdash;<This-is-a-description>.

* [<FeatureName>]({% slug <this-is-a-slug> %})&mdash;<This-is-a-description>.

* [<FeatureName>]({% slug <this-is-a-slug> %})&mdash;<This-is-a-description>.

* [<FeatureName>]({% slug <this-is-a-slug> %})&mdash;<This-is-a-description>.

<!--For example:

* [Different layouts and orientation]({% slug listview-features-layouts %})&mdash;You can choose between the linear and grid layout as well as define the scroll direction of the MAUI ListView layout.

* [Items template selector]({% slug listview-item-template-selector %})&mdash;The .NET MAUI ListView control exposes properties for applying different templates to each item based on a specific condition. 
* [Reorder Items]({% slug listview-features-reorder-items %})&mdash;The ListView allows end users to reorder MAUI ListView items through dragging and dropping.

* [Load on demand]({% slug listview-features-load-on-demand %})&mdash;In addition to the built-in UI virtualization, the ListView supports a load-on-demand functionality, which optimizes the initial loading of the application. As a result, the new items are loaded before the user reaches the bottom of the ListView.

* [Item Swipe]({% slug listview-features-cell-swipe %})&mdash;The item swipe feature enables end users to swipe an item to reveal its actionable content.

* [Grouping]({% slug listview-features-grouping %}), [sorting]({% slug listview-features-sorting %}), and [filtering]({% slug listview-features-filtering %})&mdash;You can visualize your items in groups, and also sort and filter them in accordance with your criteria.

* [Customizable Items]({% slug listview-features-styling %})&mdash;The ListView provides styling options for customizing its appearance.

## Next Steps

* Add a link to the Getting Started article for the control.
* Add a second link to the most popular or important feature article.
* If there is no Getting Started article, add two links to feature articles for the given control.

* [Getting Started with the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI <ControlName>]({% slug <this-is-a-slug>%})
* [Configuring the <FeatureName> of the <ControlName>]({% slug <this-is-a-slug>%})

## See Also

Add links to external resources. 

- [.NET MAUI <ControlName> Product Page](<ControlName>)
- [.NET MAUI <ControlName> Forum Page](<ControlNameAndTag>)
- [Telerik .NET MAUI Blogs](
- [Telerik .NET MAUI Roadmap](