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Opening a new issue or PR

Silviya Boteva edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

To ensure the consistency of the issues/PRs when opening them to the kendo-themes repository, try to follow this guideline:

Open a new issue

  1. Go to Issues tab and click New issue.
  2. Choose a proper category in order to produce the right template.

Note: Please note that if you log a bug, there is no need to add an additional regression tag. In case there is something used to work and stopped working in a new release, please use the Regression Report and not add an additional bug tag.

  1. Fill out the template with descriptive information/screenshots/project setup information.
  2. Add proper labels that include:
  • The name of the component (e.g. C:Grid)
  • If it's related to a specific suite (e.g. FW:Blazor). Nоte that if it's reproducible in all suites, there is no need to add labels for each, just skip it.
  • If it's related to a specific theme (e.g. T:Bootstrap). Nоte that if it's reproducible in all themes, there is no need to add labels for each, just skip it.
  • If it belongs to some specific area, add the corresponding label (e.g. area:a11y for issues related to accessibility)
  • If it's related to a specific browser only, add a label starting with browser: (e.g. browser:ie)
  • If it's related to specific OS, add a label starting with os: (e.g. os:macos)
  • If it will be a breaking change, add the breaking change label
  1. Add to Front-end project.
  2. Add the current milestone.

Working on an issue and opening a new PR

In the issue

  1. When starting working on a specific issue, assign yourself.
  2. Choose the proper Status, Iteration and Release from the +3 more link in the Front-end Project.

In the PR

  1. Add at least 1 reviewer.
  2. When opening a new PR, assign yourself.
  3. Add a label with the name of the component (e.g. C:Grid)
  4. In the description box, link the issue with the keywords: closes, fixes, or resolves.

Additionally, please check this procedure that the FE team base on: