A complete step-by-step guide to create a Tekton (v0.19.0) CI/CD solution on OpenShift 4 or Kubernetes 1.15+.
The goal of this guide is to show how Tekton is used to automate an application's entire CI/CD lifecycle by providing an in-depth walkthrough example. Tekton is a cloud-based pipeline tool that was released to beta earlier this year. This guide will show you how to use Tekton, from installation to using it to build and run your applications. By the end of this guide, you will have a complete Tekton-based CI/CD environment that can be modularized and expanded to solve all your development's CI/CD needs.
The pipeline yaml files provided in this guide are used to build and deploy Java applications packaged with Maven, but the guide aims to be thorough enough to build your own custom pipelines. You can swap out the specific pipeline files to suit your specific runtimes or build steps (See Tekton Hub for a catalog of premade resources). This pipeline demonstrates the use of shared Tekton Workspaces as well as Task Results, features released in the latest Tekton beta.
The pipeline will perform the following automated tasks:
- Pull application and dependency source code from git repositories
- Install maven dependencies from the dependency repository
- Build, package, containerize, and push your java application to an external image registry
- Deploy an application using its manifest files and the application image
Kubernetes-based cluster using v1.16+, such as OpenShift 4+, with admin access.
If you don't have one yet, you can follow along with a sandbox kube cluster using kind, or minikube. If you need a production cluster, you can make a cloud-managed OpenShift cluster on your favorite cloud provider, such as IBM Cloud, AWS, Azure, or GCP. OpenShift is great with Tekton because it provides integrated UI support to visualize your pipelines.
Feel free to follow along with this example project that includes all the resources created in this guide.
First, install Tekton on your cluster and the TektonCLI on your local machine. You do not need the CLI tool to use Tekton but it can be useful to interact with the pipelines. Installing Tekton is as simple as logging in to your cluster and running 1-2 commands depending on your platform. I recommend following the official steps below.
OpenShift TektonCD Install Example:
You can also install Tekton using the Operator. As of this writing, it uses an older version (0.15.2 vs. 0.19.0) but it comes with a Tekton Dashboard and it might maintain some of pipeline artifacts for you in the future.
In this section we will create a ServiceAccount for our pipeline and assign it credentials to handle four things: Run containers as root (for Buildah/Docker), access our external image registry, access our git repositories, and control to modify our application's Deployment yaml file.
To use the Buildah Task you will need to grant privileged access to the Pod running the Task. By default, Tekton uses the cluster's default
ServiceAccount. We will grant access by creating our own pipeline
ServiceAccount, assigning it Privileged access and applying it to the PipelineRun.
You will see this as a part of the steps in the build-maven-image
privileged: true
To create this SA and apply the privileged SecurityContextConstraint with OpenShift, run the following:
oc create sa pipeline
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z pipeline
To use this SA, we will apply this line later in our PipelineRun under spec:
serviceAccountName: pipeline
However, we will also change our default to use the pipeline
kubectl create configmap config-defaults \
--from-literal=default-service-account=pipeline \
-o yaml -n tekton-pipelines \
--dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -
Next, we will need to give this ServiceAccount access to resources in the namespace we are using by creating a ClusterRoleBinding. This is needed in our example to reapply the Image tag in the update-deployment
Task. In this case, I will give the pipeline
SA the cluster-admin role, but you may decide to create your own ClusterRole and scope the pipeline's access further. This SA, the pipeline artifacts, and the application artifacts will be deployed in the java-maven-demo
oc create clusterrolebinding pipeline --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=java-maven-demo:pipeline
We need to grant access to our external image registry. To do this, create a secret and link it to the ServiceAccount created before. Here is an example:
oc create secret docker-registry srd-docker-registry \
--docker-server=docker.io \
--docker-username=<username> \
--docker-password=<api_token> \
Link the secret to your pipeline ServiceAccount like so:
oc secrets link pipeline srd-docker-registry
If you need to pull dependencies from an image registry in your pipeline, you will need to grant it this permission in addition to the previous command.
oc secrets link pipeline srd-docker-registry --for=pull
Similar to the external registry, we will create our git secret and link it to the ServiceAccount. Here is a yaml file example with an annotation needed by Tekton.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: gitsecret
tekton.dev/git-0: https://github.com
type: kubernetes.io/basic-auth
username: [email protected]
password: password_token
Save this as a yaml file and create it with:
oc create -f <file_name>
Lastly, our Pipeline will need a place to clone source code and share cached build artifacts. We will create a 5Gi PersistentVolumeClaim, which will later be given as a parameter in the PipelineRun to use when executing the Pipeline.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pipeline-pvc
storage: 5Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
That is all for Tekton configuration. For more information on authentication with Tekton check out this document.
With Tekton ready to use on our cluster, let's first walk through the deployment steps for our application so we can translate the process to Tekton for automation.
I have generated an example Java application here. This app was generated with Quarkus and it comes with a maven pom.xml
file and a Dockerfile
under the path src/main/docker/Dockerfie.jvm
. I modified the pom.xml
file to require this second repository as a build dependency.
To build this application ourselves, we would need to perform the following steps:
- Pull the dependency library and install into the workspace with
mvn install
- Pull the application's source code repository
- Package the application into a jar file with
mvn package
- Containerize the application using the Dockerfile and push the image to an external registry
- Apply the application's latest manifest files to the cluster stored under
directory - Update the deployment to use the latest image from the registry
By the end of this guide, we will instead commit our code and execute a PipelineRun, which will deploy the latest code using an image that is tagged with the latest commit's sha string from git.
It is recommended to use version control for your artifacts as a backup for easy reference, modification or collaboration. Depending on the size of the project, some users decide to store their tekton artifacts alongside other kubernetes-related yaml files. I will create a stand-alone repository on GitHub to store tekton-related artifacts called common-tekton-artifacts
The repository contains folders for the artifacts like so:
resources/ tasks/ pipelines/
As our project grows and our CI/CD needs expand, we can use this framework to easily manage our pipelines and resources. Next, we will create our Pipeline's Tasks.
A task contains a series of steps, where each step uses an image provided to create a container and run commands or scripts specified. Tekton creates Pods to execute Tasks.
We will need to create Tasks to complete each manual step of the deployment and then we will link them together with a Pipeline. Our Tasks will be able to share resources with each other by using a shared Workspace, which is a Tekton property representing a PersistentVolumeClaim. We will create Tasks that can be modularized for use with other Pipelines.
The first step in our CI/CD solution is to clone the application's source code and its dependency's source code into a workspace. Here is a standalone task from the Tekton Catalog we can use:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: git-clone
app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.1"
tekton.dev/pipelines.minVersion: "0.12.1"
tekton.dev/tags: git
tekton.dev/displayName: "git clone"
description: >-
These Tasks are Git tasks to work with repositories used by other tasks
in your Pipeline.
The git-clone Task will clone a repo from the provided url into the
output Workspace. By default the repo will be cloned into the root of
your Workspace. You can clone into a subdirectory by setting this Task's
subdirectory param.
- name: output
description: The git repo will be cloned onto the volume backing this workspace
- name: url
description: git url to clone
type: string
- name: revision
description: git revision to checkout (branch, tag, sha, ref…)
type: string
default: master
- name: refspec
description: (optional) git refspec to fetch before checking out revision
default: ""
- name: submodules
description: defines if the resource should initialize and fetch the submodules
type: string
default: "true"
- name: depth
description: performs a shallow clone where only the most recent commit(s) will be fetched
type: string
default: "1"
- name: sslVerify
description: defines if http.sslVerify should be set to true or false in the global git config
type: string
default: "true"
- name: subdirectory
description: subdirectory inside the "output" workspace to clone the git repo into
type: string
default: ""
- name: deleteExisting
description: clean out the contents of the repo's destination directory (if it already exists) before trying to clone the repo there
type: string
default: "true"
- name: httpProxy
description: git HTTP proxy server for non-SSL requests
type: string
default: ""
- name: httpsProxy
description: git HTTPS proxy server for SSL requests
type: string
default: ""
- name: noProxy
description: git no proxy - opt out of proxying HTTP/HTTPS requests
type: string
default: ""
- name: gitInitImage
description: The image used where the git-init binary is.
default: "gcr.io/tekton-releases/github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/cmd/git-init:v0.15.2"
type: string
- name: commit
description: The precise commit SHA that was fetched by this Task
- name: clone
image: $(params.gitInitImage)
script: |
cleandir() {
# Delete any existing contents of the repo directory if it exists.
# We don't just "rm -rf $CHECKOUT_DIR" because $CHECKOUT_DIR might be "/"
# or the root of a mounted volume.
if [[ -d "$CHECKOUT_DIR" ]] ; then
# Delete non-hidden files and directories
rm -rf "$CHECKOUT_DIR"/*
# Delete files and directories starting with . but excluding ..
rm -rf "$CHECKOUT_DIR"/.[!.]*
# Delete files and directories starting with .. plus any other character
rm -rf "$CHECKOUT_DIR"/..?*
if [[ "$(params.deleteExisting)" == "true" ]] ; then
test -z "$(params.httpProxy)" || export HTTP_PROXY=$(params.httpProxy)
test -z "$(params.httpsProxy)" || export HTTPS_PROXY=$(params.httpsProxy)
test -z "$(params.noProxy)" || export NO_PROXY=$(params.noProxy)
/ko-app/git-init \
-url "$(params.url)" \
-revision "$(params.revision)" \
-refspec "$(params.refspec)" \
-path "$CHECKOUT_DIR" \
-sslVerify="$(params.sslVerify)" \
-submodules="$(params.submodules)" \
-depth "$(params.depth)"
RESULT_SHA="$(git rev-parse HEAD | tr -d '\n')"
if [ "$EXIT_CODE" != 0 ]
# Make sure we don't add a trailing newline to the result!
echo -n "$RESULT_SHA" > $(results.commit.path)
The only required parameter for the git-clone
Task is the url to our source code, i.e. https://github.com/tekton-example/java-app-example.git
We can specify additional parameters such as the branch to clone or a proxy to use. In our case, we will be using the subdirectory
parameter to clone the source code into a folder in the workspace rather than at the root of the directory. We will also use the commit
result later to tag our image. will use this Task twice in our pipeline to clone our dependency and application repositories.
The following Task uses an image with maven to run a mvn install
by first generating or using an existing settings.xml file in the workspace and then installing the package into the source
workspace. The workspace will be given to the Pipeline by a param in the PipelineRun.
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: maven
app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.2"
tekton.dev/pipelines.minVersion: "0.12.1"
tekton.dev/tags: build-tool
description: >-
This Task can be used to run a Maven build.
- name: source
description: The workspace consisting of the maven project and custom maven settings.
type: string
description: Maven base image
default: gcr.io/cloud-builders/mvn@sha256:57523fc43394d6d9d2414ee8d1c85ed7a13460cbb268c3cd16d28cfb3859e641 #tag: latest
- name: GOALS
description: maven goals to run
type: array
- "package"
description: The Maven repository mirror url
type: string
default: ""
description: The username for the server
type: string
default: ""
description: The password for the server
type: string
default: ""
- name: PROXY_USER
description: The username for the proxy server
type: string
default: ""
description: The password for the proxy server
type: string
default: ""
- name: PROXY_PORT
description: Port number for the proxy server
type: string
default: ""
- name: PROXY_HOST
description: Proxy server Host
type: string
default: ""
description: Non proxy server host
type: string
default: ""
description: Protocol for the proxy ie http or https
type: string
default: "http"
type: string
description: >-
The context directory within the repository for sources on
which we want to execute maven goals.
default: "."
- name: mvn-settings
image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.2
script: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ -f $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml ]] && \
echo 'using existing $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml' && exit 0
cat > $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml <<EOF
<!-- The servers added here are generated from environment variables. Don't change. -->
<!-- ### SERVER's USER INFO from ENV ### -->
<!-- The mirrors added here are generated from environment variables. Don't change. -->
<!-- ### mirrors from ENV ### -->
<!-- The proxies added here are generated from environment variables. Don't change. -->
<!-- ### HTTP proxy from ENV ### -->
if [ -n "$(params.PROXY_HOST)" -a -n "$(params.PROXY_PORT)" ]; then
if [ -n "$(params.PROXY_USER)" -a -n "$(params.PROXY_PASSWORD)" ]; then
if [ -n "$(params.PROXY_NON_PROXY_HOSTS)" ]; then
sed -i "s|<!-- ### HTTP proxy from ENV ### -->|$xml|" $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml
if [ -n "$(params.SERVER_USER)" -a -n "$(params.SERVER_PASSWORD)" ]; then
sed -i "s|<!-- ### SERVER's USER INFO from ENV ### -->|$xml|" $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml
if [ -n "$(params.MAVEN_MIRROR_URL)" ]; then
xml=" <mirror>\
sed -i "s|<!-- ### mirrors from ENV ### -->|$xml|" $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml
- name: mvn-goals
image: $(params.MAVEN_IMAGE)
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)/$(params.CONTEXT_DIR)
command: ["/usr/bin/mvn"]
- -s
- $(workspaces.source.path)/settings.xml
- "$(params.GOALS)"
The task will run mvn package
by default and it can be passed a GOALS parameter to specify other arguments. We will use this Task to run mvn install
on our dependency repository. While we could use this Task to package our application as well, but we will instead include this step in the next Task for our application source code since we will have similar steps to containerize and push the application to an image registry.
This Task will use the application source code to package, containerize, and push our application image to an external registry. If we were doing these steps manually using my own docker registry, it would look like this:
mvn package
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t docker.io/sdesmond6/java-app-example:latest .
docker push docker.io/sdesmond6/java-app-example:latest
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: build-maven-image
app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.1"
tekton.dev/pipelines.minVersion: "0.12.1"
tekton.dev/tags: image-build
description: >-
Packages source with maven builds and into a container image,
then pushes it to a container registry.
Builds source into a container image using Project Atomic's
Buildah build tool. It uses Buildah's support for building from Dockerfiles,
using its buildah bud command.This command executes the directives in the
Dockerfile to assemble a container image, then pushes that image to a
container registry.
- name: GOALS
description: Maven goals to execute
default: ["install"]
- name: IMAGE
description: Reference of the image buildah will produce.
description: The location of the buildah builder image.
default: quay.io/buildah/stable:v1.14.8
description: Set buildah storage driver
default: overlay
description: Path to the Dockerfile to build.
default: ./Dockerfile
- name: CONTEXT
description: Path to the directory to use as context.
default: .
description: Verify the TLS on the registry endpoint (for push/pull to a non-TLS registry)
default: "false"
- name: FORMAT
description: The format of the built container, oci or docker
default: "oci"
description: Extra parameters passed for the build command when building images.
default: ""
description: Extra parameters passed for the push command when pushing images.
type: string
default: ""
- name: source
description: Digest of the image just built.
- name: package-maven
image: gcr.io/cloud-builders/mvn
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)/$(params.CONTEXT)
command: ["/usr/bin/mvn"]
- -Dmaven.repo.local=$(workspaces.source.path)
- "$(inputs.params.GOALS)"
- name: build-image
image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE)
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)
script: |
buildah --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) bud \
$(params.BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS) --format=$(params.FORMAT) \
--tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) --no-cache \
-f $(params.DOCKERFILE) -t $(params.IMAGE) $(params.CONTEXT)
- name: varlibcontainers
mountPath: /var/lib/containers
privileged: true
- name: push
image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE)
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)
script: |
buildah --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) push \
$(params.PUSH_EXTRA_ARGS) --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) \
--digestfile $(workspaces.source.path)/image-digest $(params.IMAGE) \
- name: varlibcontainers
mountPath: /var/lib/containers
privileged: true
- name: digest-to-results
image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE)
script: cat $(workspaces.source.path)/image-digest | tee /tekton/results/IMAGE_DIGEST
- name: varlibcontainers
emptyDir: {}
The Task uses the buildah tool to build the source code from the Dockerfile and push it to the registry image name provided. This Task will be ran with the ServiceAccount created previously that has the authorization to run buildah and push to the registry.
In this example, we follow a common standard and store our application's manifest files alongside our source code under a folder called k8s/
. These define how we expect the application to run inside our cluster. In this example application, this includes a Deployment, Service, and Route as it will be deployed on OpenShift. You can create your own manifest files for your application and store them in a k8s/
folder. An alternative approach may be to store all of your applications' manifest files in a single repository (i.e. if you use ArgoCD for your CD needs), but we are planning to use this pipeline as a complete solution.
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: apply-manifests
- name: source
- name: manifest_dir
description: The directory in source that contains yaml manifests
type: string
default: "k8s"
- name: apply
image: quay.io/openshift/origin-cli:latest
workingDir: /workspace/source
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
- |-
echo Applying manifests in $(inputs.params.manifest_dir) directory
oc apply -f $(inputs.params.manifest_dir)
echo -----------------------------------
This Task uses oc
CLI with the image origin-cli
. This image also contains kubectl
. Additionally, it runs an apply
command, meaning that the manifests must be created already in the cluster before the first execution, i.e. kubectl create -f k8s/
The last step in our Pipeline will be to patch our Deployment file with the latest image. This can be customized in a number of ways. We will be using the sha commit result of our git-clone Task to tag the image with our latest git commit. In the case of OpenShift, you could use a DeploymentConfig with an ImageChange trigger and an ImageStream, allowing OpenShift to handle this Task.
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: update-deployment
- name: deployment
description: The name of the deployment patch the image
type: string
- name: IMAGE
description: Location of image to be patched with
type: string
- name: patch
image: quay.io/openshift/origin-cli:latest
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
- |-
oc patch deployment $(inputs.params.deployment) --patch='{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{
"name": "$(inputs.params.deployment)",
We will provide the Task with the image name and a name for the application. The patch will update the Deployment and trigger the application to redeploy using the image.
With our task files finished, we can add them all to our cluster: oc create -f tasks/
At this point, you can test each Task directly by creating TaskRun files, or by using the Tekton CLI to generate them, i.e.
tkn task start apply-manifests --param manifest_dir=./app-git-clone/k8s --workspace name=local-maven-repo,claimName=maven-repo-pvc --showlog
Next, we will create a Pipeline to combine these Tasks to finish our CI/CD solution.
The Pipeline will represent a list of Tasks to execute, passing the necessary parameters to each Task. The pipeline can provide default arguments to Tasks and will also accept parameters via a PipelineRun. This means we can use the Pipeline to deploy any number of applications by creating a PipelineRun specific to each application.
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
name: maven-pipeline
- name: dependency-git-url
- name: dependency-git-revision
default: main
- name: dependency-folder-name
default: dependency-source
- name: application-git-url
- name: application-git-revision
default: main
- name: application-folder-name
default: application-source
- name: dockerfile-path
default: "."
- name: application-name
- name: image-name
- name: source
- name: dependency-git-clone
name: git-clone
- name: url
value: $(params.dependency-git-url)
- name: revision
value: $(params.dependency-git-revision)
- name: subdirectory
value: $(params.dependency-folder-name)
- name: output
workspace: source
- name: application-git-clone
- dependency-git-clone
name: git-clone
- name: url
value: $(params.application-git-url)
- name: revision
value: $(params.application-git-revision)
- name: subdirectory
value: $(params.application-folder-name)
- name: output
workspace: source
- name: maven-install-dependencies
- application-git-clone
name: maven
- name: GOALS
value: ["-DskipTests","clean","install"]
value: $(params.dependency-folder-name)
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: build-application-image
- maven-install-dependencies
name: build-maven-image
- name: GOALS
value: ["-DskipTests", "clean", "package"]
- name: IMAGE
value: $(params.image-name)":"$(tasks.application-git-clone.results.commit)
- name: CONTEXT
value: $(params.application-folder-name)
value: $(params.dockerfile-path)
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: apply-manifests
- build-application-image
name: apply-manifests
- name: manifest_dir
value: $(params.application-folder-name)/k8s
- name: source
workspace: source
- name: update-deployment
- apply-manifests
name: update-deployment
- name: deployment
value: $(params.application-name)
- name: IMAGE
value: $(params.image-name)":"$(tasks.application-git-clone.results.commit)
Once we've wired our Pipeline up we can add it to the cluster: oc create -f <file_name>
You can build your pipeline to run tasks in parallel. If you do, keep in mind that there can be issues with trying to mount Workspaces concurrently if they are backed by the same PVC and it is ReadWriteOnce. While Tekton is in beta, I would suggest only running Tasks in parallel if your build process allows it and the Tasks don't need a shared Workspace. You can do so by removing the runAfter
property in the Pipeline under the Task.
With our Tasks and our Pipeline created, we are now ready to define an execution of the pipeline for our example application. The PipelineRun will need to supply the required parameters for the Pipeline, which ultimately get used by the Tasks.
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
generateName: java-app-example-pl-
name: maven-pipeline
serviceAccountName: pipeline
- name: application-name
value: java-app-example
- name: dependency-git-url
value: https://github.com/tekton-example/common-java-dependencies.git
- name: application-git-url
value: https://github.com/tekton-example/java-app-example.git
- name: dockerfile-path
value: src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm
- name: image-name
value: docker.io/sdesmond6/java-app-example
- name: source
claimName: pipeline-pvc
The PipelineRun ties everything together for this application. We provide the pipeline-pvc
created previously, and use the ServiceAccount which has access to our git repositories and the image registry. If we needed, we could also configure our dependencies or application source code to use a specific branch, but that can be left as an exercise.
With the pipeline in place, running it is simple. First commit your code to the default master
branch, and then create the PipelineRun:
oc create -f java-app-example-pipelinerun.yaml
You can monitor the progress of the pipeline with the Tekton CLI:
tkn pr logs -Lf
Each PipelineRun created represents one execution of the Pipeline. You can look at all your runs with oc get pr
, and describe each with oc describe pr
That concludes this guide. We covered how to install, configure, and organize a Tekton CI/CD environment for your cluster, how to create and organize your artifacts, and then we created a complete Pipeline example for a Java application that utilizes Tekton's latest workspaces and results features. If you completed this guide, I hope you have noticed how modular and extensible Tekton can be.
If you would like to contribute to the example project space please send a message. If you found this guide helpful, please let me know what you liked or what can be improved so that I can improve future content.
This guide provides a CI/CD framework to get started in your own environment. Once you have a running pipeline for your applications, you can configure a webhook to trigger your pipeline automatically via a Pull Request with triggers. There are many useful Tasks in the Tekton Catalog created by the community, such as one for a sonarqube security scanner, or one that creates a GitHub release.