DragTapVib is an electromagnetic wearable actuator.
- Print DragTapVib_bottom.stl, DragTapVib_tactor.stl and DragTapVib_upper.stl under DragTapVib_3D with 3D printer;
- Use double-sided tape to adhere the tactor to a 10x3mm permanent magnet.
- Assemble the actuator according to the following diagram:
Installation can refer to this sketch:
One application of DragTapVib is as a wireless notifier for smartphone Notifications, and we have developed a sample app (BLENotification) that implements this.
The code of the Android app is in the directory named BLENotificationAndroid, and the corresponding ESP32 control code is in the directory named BLENotification_ESP32.
Installation is shown in the following sketch:
A demo video of the BLENotification App can be found here.