Introduction to programming in Python for Girl Develop It workshop at Strageloop
Copy the Notebooks folder. Install Enthought Canopy (
Open Terminal and install IPython
Windows in the Command Prompt (cmd.exe): enpkg enstaller enpkg ipython easy_install ipythonblocks
Mac in the Terminal application: sudo enpkg enstaller sudo enpkg ipython
easy_install ipythonblocksUbuntu or other Debian-based distributions in the shell: sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook
Fedora 18 and newer related distributions in the shell: sudo yum install python-ipython-notebook
When the installations are done, you can either open IPython Notebook by going to in your browser. You can also open it by using your terminal/command prompt and typing: ipython notebook
IPython Notebook should open in your browser (Firefox or Chrome). You should see the IPython dashboard. Import all of the notebooks (.ipynb) by either dragging and dropping them into the browser or using the uploader.