usage: call runme.m to reproduce all numerical results from the corresponding paper (cited below). The resulting plots will be saved as PDF-files.
authors: Thorben Casper, Ulrich Römer, Herbert De Gersem, Sebastian Schöps Institut fuer Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder Graduate School of Computational Engineering Technische Universität Darmstadt
This code is based on the following paper: T. Casper, U. Römer, H. De Gersem, S. Schöps. Coupled Simulation of Transient Heat Flow and Electric Currents in Thin Wires: Application to Bond Wires in Microelectronic Chip Packaging. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, submitted. arXiv:1809.09034.
license: see the following files are distributed under a different license, being stated directly in the corresponding file: ismembertol.m, uniquetol.m additionally: If this code is used in any other work, please cite the above paper.
- functionality has been tested for at least Matlab 2015a and Octave 4.2.0.