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Tom Barbette edited this page Nov 25, 2022 · 1 revision

SYNFlood Element Documentation


SYNFlood — Click element; Generates a SYNflood


SYNFlood(SRCIP, DSTPORT,keywords)

Batching: Batching natively supported
Ports: no inputs, 1 output
Processing: push
Drivers: userlevel


Sequentially emit TCP SYN packets with increasing source port and IP. The 5-tuple space will be scanned in a round-robin fashion. The output packets are ethernet packets with the addresses set to 0.

The source port will be increased until it will reach the 0 value. Then, it will start from a new source IP and generates SYNs for all the ports. When the IP space is finished, it will wrap and start from


  • SRCIP — Initial Source IP
  • DSTIP — Destination IP
  • SPORT — Source port. Default is 1000
  • DPORT — Initial destination port. Default is 80
  • STOP — Stop the driver when the limit is reached. Default true.
  • ACTIVE — If false, then do not emit packets until the `active' handler is written. Default is true.
  • BURST — How many packets to generate per each iteration. Default is 32.
  • LIMIT — Limit the total number of packets to generate. Default is -1 (no limit). The effective number of packets emitted will be the smallest multiple of BURST after LIMIT.
  • LEN — The lenght of the generated packets. Default is 60


 SYNFlood(,, 1, 80, LEN 1400)
 -> EtherRewrite(11:11:11:11:11:11, 22:22:22:22:22:22)
 -> ToDPDKDevice(0)

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/tcpudp/synflood.hh:13 on 2022/11/25.

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