I'm an experienced software engineer who loves to learn new things and build cool stuff. I'm highly flexible, and can quickly adapt to any challenge. I'm a maker at heart, and enjoy experimenting and tinkering with different tools and techniques to bring ideas to life!
Go checkout my most recent project Awaik - Service uptime monitoring platform, where I'm building production-ready, distributed, event-driven microservices from scratch!
About Me
I am proficient in Go, and use many other languages often. I consider myself "language-agnostic", in that I have built a solid set of core programming skills that can be transferred to new languages!
I have helped develop a few no-code tools - one being MakeCode for the BBC micro:bit working with Lancaster University and Samsung to bring internet connectivity to the micro:bit, another is Comnoco, building a visual programming language and functions-as-a-service no-code platform.
I use embedded systems, such as the ESP32, Arduino, and micro:bit, to mix reality with the digital world.
I also 3D print things, and have a modded Ender Pro 3 that I use to bring my Fusion 360 designs to life... and print articulated slugs, of course
When I'm not coding, I'll be either playing music, making something, playing games, or spending time with my cat... sometimes all of the above at the same time :D