Log Analyzer
Log Analyzer application analyzes the given log files, detects ips to block according to the given time, duration and threshold and uploads the log entries into H2 in memory database.
To run the application, set below program arguments to run configuration:
--accesslog=access.log --startDate=2017-01-01.13:00:00 --duration=hourly --threshold=100
Running Jar
To run the generated jar, use the below command:
java -cp "log-analyzer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher --accesslog=access.log --startDate=2017-01-01.13:00:00 --duration=hourly --threshold=100
Validating Application
After you run the app with the given program arguments, head to a browser and navigate to:
Login with credentials:
Run below SQL query and see if the same IPs that are printed on the application console:
select count(*) count, l.ip ip from log l where l.date >= '2017-01-01 13:00:00.000' and l.date <= '2017-01-01 14:00:00.000' group by l.ip having count >= 100;
Run below SQL queries for the request info of the two IPs found as the result of the filtering:
select l.ip ip, l.date date, l.request request from log l where l.ip = '';
select l.ip ip, l.date date, l.request request from log l where l.ip = '';
Schema of the Table 'Log' Used In MySQL
You can checkout the table schema used for the table 'log' below.
id | ip | date | request | cause_to_block |
int8 | varchar(50) | datetime | varchar(255) | varchar(255) |
primary key |