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Enable auto-formatting (#5)
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gpetiot authored Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 6a64fb1 commit 2426eaf
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Showing 11 changed files with 153 additions and 145 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .ocamlformat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
version = 0.26.1
profile = conventional
43 changes: 20 additions & 23 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ let ( / ) = Filename.concat
let or_die = function
| Ok x -> x
| Error (`Msg m) ->
Fmt.epr "%s@." m;
exit 1
Fmt.epr "%s@." m;
exit 1

let home =
match Sys.getenv_opt "HOME" with
Expand All @@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ let home =

let ensure_dir_exists ~mode path =
match Unix.stat path with
| exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->
Unix.mkdir path mode
| Unix.{ st_kind = S_DIR; _} -> ()
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> Unix.mkdir path mode
| Unix.{ st_kind = S_DIR; _ } -> ()
| _ -> Fmt.failwith "%S is not a directory!" path

let last_fetch_file =
Expand All @@ -28,17 +27,15 @@ let last_fetch_file =
let mtime path =
match Unix.stat path with
| info -> Some info.Unix.st_mtime
| exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> None
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> None

let get_token () =
Token.load (home / ".github" / "github-activity-token")
let get_token () = Token.load (home / ".github" / "github-activity-token")

let show ~from json =
let contribs = Contributions.of_json ~from json in
if Contributions.is_empty contribs then
Fmt.epr "(no activity found since %s)@." from
else "@[<v>%a@]@." Contributions.pp contribs
else "@[<v>%a@]@." Contributions.pp contribs

let mode = `Normal

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,21 +71,21 @@ let info = "get-activity"
let run period : unit =
match mode with
| `Normal ->
Period.with_period period ~last_fetch_file ~f:(fun period ->
(* "period: %a@." Fmt.(pair string string) period; *)
let token = get_token () |> or_die in
show ~from:(fst period) @@ Contributions.fetch ~period ~token
Period.with_period period ~last_fetch_file ~f:(fun period ->
(* "period: %a@." Fmt.(pair string string) period; *)
let token = get_token () |> or_die in
show ~from:(fst period) @@ Contributions.fetch ~period ~token)
| `Save ->
Period.with_period period ~last_fetch_file ~f:(fun period ->
let token = get_token () |> or_die in
Contributions.fetch ~period ~token
|> Yojson.Safe.to_file "activity.json"
Period.with_period period ~last_fetch_file ~f:(fun period ->
let token = get_token () |> or_die in
Contributions.fetch ~period ~token
|> Yojson.Safe.to_file "activity.json")
| `Load ->
(* When testing formatting changes, it is quicker to fetch the data once and then load it again for each test: *)
let from = mtime last_fetch_file |> Option.value ~default:0.0 |> Period.to_8601 in
show ~from @@ Yojson.Safe.from_file "activity.json"
(* When testing formatting changes, it is quicker to fetch the data once and then load it again for each test: *)
let from =
mtime last_fetch_file |> Option.value ~default:0.0 |> Period.to_8601
show ~from @@ Yojson.Safe.from_file "activity.json"

let term = Term.(const run $ period)
let cmd = Cmd.v info term
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(lang dune 2.8)
(name get-activity)
(formatting disabled)
(generate_opam_files true)
(source (github tarides/get-activity))
(authors "[email protected]")
Expand Down
153 changes: 83 additions & 70 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,13 +56,9 @@ let query =

let fetch ~period:(start, finish) ~token = begin
let variables = [
"from", `String start;
"to", `String finish;
] in
Graphql.exec ~token ~variables ~query ()
(let variables = [ ("from", `String start); ("to", `String finish) ] in
Graphql.exec ~token ~variables ~query ())

module Datetime = struct
type t = string
Expand All @@ -72,12 +68,12 @@ module Datetime = struct
| x -> Fmt.failwith "Invalid Datatime %a" Json.pp x

module Repo_map = Map.Make(String)
module Repo_map = Map.Make (String)

type item = {
repo : string;
kind : [`Issue | `PR | `Review of string | `New_repo ];
date: Datetime.t;
kind : [ `Issue | `PR | `Review of string | `New_repo ];
date : Datetime.t;
url : string;
title : string;
body : string;
Expand All @@ -86,103 +82,120 @@ type item = {
type t = { username : string; activity : item list Repo_map.t }

let read_issues json =
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes") |> List.filter ((<>) `Null) |> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let x = node / "issue" in
let url = x / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let title = x / "title" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let body = x / "body" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = x / "repository" / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
{ kind = `Issue; date; url; title; body; repo }
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes")
|> List.filter (( <> ) `Null)
|> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let x = node / "issue" in
let url = x / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let title = x / "title" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let body = x / "body" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = x / "repository" / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
{ kind = `Issue; date; url; title; body; repo }

let read_prs json =
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes") |> List.filter ((<>) `Null) |> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let pr = node / "pullRequest" in
let url = pr / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let title = pr / "title" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let body = pr / "body" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = pr / "repository" / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
{ kind = `PR; date; url; title; body; repo }
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes")
|> List.filter (( <> ) `Null)
|> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let pr = node / "pullRequest" in
let url = pr / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let title = pr / "title" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let body = pr / "body" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = pr / "repository" / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
{ kind = `PR; date; url; title; body; repo }

let read_reviews json =
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes") |> List.filter ((<>) `Null) |> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let review = node / "pullRequestReview" in
let state = review / "state" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let url = review / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let pr = review / "pullRequest" in
let title = pr / "title" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let body = review / "body" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = review / "repository" / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
{ kind = `Review state; date; url; title; body; repo }
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes")
|> List.filter (( <> ) `Null)
|> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let review = node / "pullRequestReview" in
let state = review / "state" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let url = review / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let pr = review / "pullRequest" in
let title = pr / "title" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let body = review / "body" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo =
review / "repository" / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string
{ kind = `Review state; date; url; title; body; repo }

let read_repos json =
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes") |> List.filter ((<>) `Null) |> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let repo = node / "repository" in
let url = repo / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = repo / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
{ kind = `New_repo; date; url; title = "Created new repository"; body = ""; repo }
Json.Util.to_list (json / "nodes")
|> List.filter (( <> ) `Null)
|> @@ fun node ->
let date = Datetime.parse (node / "occurredAt") in
let repo = node / "repository" in
let url = repo / "url" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let repo = repo / "nameWithOwner" |> Json.Util.to_string in
kind = `New_repo;
title = "Created new repository";
body = "";

let of_json ~from json =
let username = json / "data" / "viewer" / "login" |> Json.Util.to_string in
let contribs = json / "data" / "viewer" / "contributionsCollection" in
let items =
read_issues (contribs / "issueContributions") @
read_prs (contribs / "pullRequestContributions") @
read_reviews (contribs / "pullRequestReviewContributions") @
read_repos (contribs / "repositoryContributions")
read_issues (contribs / "issueContributions")
@ read_prs (contribs / "pullRequestContributions")
@ read_reviews (contribs / "pullRequestReviewContributions")
@ read_repos (contribs / "repositoryContributions")
let activity =
(* GitHub seems to ignore the time part, so do the filtering here. *)
|> List.filter (fun item -> >= from)
|> List.fold_left (fun acc item ->
let items = Repo_map.find_opt item.repo acc |> Option.value ~default:[] in
Repo_map.add item.repo (item :: items) acc
) Repo_map.empty
|> List.fold_left
(fun acc item ->
let items =
Repo_map.find_opt item.repo acc |> Option.value ~default:[]
Repo_map.add item.repo (item :: items) acc)
{ username; activity }

let id url =
match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"/" ~rev:true url with
| None -> Fmt.failwith "Invalid URL %S" url
| Some (_, id) ->
match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"#" id with
| Some (id, _) -> id
| None -> id
| Some (_, id) -> (
match Astring.String.cut ~sep:"#" id with
| Some (id, _) -> id
| None -> id)

let pp_title f t =
match t.kind with
| `Issue -> f "%s [#%s](%s)" t.title (id t.url) t.url
| `PR -> f "%s [#%s](%s)" t.title (id t.url) t.url
| `Review s -> f "%s %s [#%s](%s)" s t.title (id t.url) t.url
| `New_repo ->
begin match Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"/" t.url |> List.rev with
| repo :: org :: _ -> f "Created repository [%s/%s](%s)" org repo t.url
| _ -> Fmt.failwith "Malformed URL %S" t.url
| `New_repo -> (
match Astring.String.cuts ~sep:"/" t.url |> List.rev with
| repo :: org :: _ -> f "Created repository [%s/%s](%s)" org repo t.url
| _ -> Fmt.failwith "Malformed URL %S" t.url)

let pp_body f = function
| "" -> ()
| body ->
let body = body |> String.split_on_char (Char.chr 13) |> String.concat "" in f " @,@[<hov>%a@]" Fmt.text body

let pp_item f t = f "@[<v>%a.%a@]" pp_title t pp_body t.body
let body =
body |> String.split_on_char (Char.chr 13) |> String.concat ""
in f " @,@[<hov>%a@]" Fmt.text body

let pp_item f t = f "@[<v>%a.%a@]" pp_title t pp_body t.body
let pp_items = Fmt.(list ~sep:(cut ++ cut) pp_item)

let pp_repo f (name, items) = f "### %s@,@,%a" name pp_items items

let is_empty { activity; _} = Repo_map.is_empty activity
let pp_repo f (name, items) = f "### %s@,@,%a" name pp_items items
let is_empty { activity; _ } = Repo_map.is_empty activity

let pp f { activity; _ } =
let by_repo = Repo_map.bindings activity in
match by_repo with
| [] -> Fmt.string f "(no activity)"
| [(_, items)] -> pp_items f items
| [ (_, items) ] -> pp_items f items
| repos -> Fmt.(list ~sep:(cut ++ cut)) pp_repo f repos
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lib/contributions.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ end

type item = {
repo : string;
kind : [`Issue | `PR | `Review of string | `New_repo ];
date: Datetime.t;
kind : [ `Issue | `PR | `Review of string | `New_repo ];
date : Datetime.t;
url : string;
title : string;
body : string;
Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Repo_map : Map.S with type key = string

type t = { username : string; activity : item list Repo_map.t }

val fetch : period:(string * string) -> token:Token.t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val fetch : period:string * string -> token:Token.t -> Yojson.Safe.t

val of_json : from:string -> Yojson.Safe.t -> t
(** We pass [from] again here so we can filter out anything that GitHub included by accident. *)
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
open Lwt.Infix

let graphql_endpoint = Uri.of_string ""

let ( / ) a b = Yojson.Safe.Util.member b a

let exec ?variables ~token ~query () =
let body =
`Assoc (
("query", `String query) ::
(("query", `String query)
(match variables with
| None -> []
| Some v -> ["variables", `Assoc v])
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string
| None -> []
| Some v -> [ ("variables", `Assoc v) ]))
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string |> Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string
let headers = Cohttp.Header.init_with "Authorization" ("bearer " ^ token) in ~headers ~body graphql_endpoint >>=
fun (resp, body) -> ~headers ~body graphql_endpoint
>>= fun (resp, body) ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >|= fun body ->
match Cohttp.Response.status resp with
| `OK ->
let json = Yojson.Safe.from_string body in
begin match json / "errors" with
| `OK -> (
let json = Yojson.Safe.from_string body in
match json / "errors" with
| `Null -> json
| _errors ->
Fmt.failwith "@[<v2>GitHub returned errors: %a@]" (Yojson.Safe.pretty_print ~std:true) json;
| err -> Fmt.failwith "@[<v2>Error performing GraphQL query on GitHub: %s@,%s@]"
(Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err)
Fmt.failwith "@[<v2>GitHub returned errors: %a@]"
(Yojson.Safe.pretty_print ~std:true)
| err ->
Fmt.failwith "@[<v2>Error performing GraphQL query on GitHub: %s@,%s@]"
(Cohttp.Code.string_of_status err)
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion lib/graphql.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
val exec : ?variables:(string * Yojson.Safe.t) list -> token:string -> query:string -> unit -> Yojson.Safe.t Lwt.t
val exec :
?variables:(string * Yojson.Safe.t) list ->
token:string ->
query:string ->
unit ->
Yojson.Safe.t Lwt.t

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