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3 Example projects

Peter Taoussanis edited this page Oct 13, 2016 · 1 revision

Reference example

This is the official example used for testing Sente, and makes a great starting point for the basics.

It's kept up-to-date and includes basic client+server setup, routing, auth, CSRF protection, etc.

Community examples

Please note that unofficial examples are provided by the community and may contain out-of-date or inaccurate information.

If you spot issues with any linked examples, please contact the relevant authors to let them know!

Contributor Link Description
@fiv0 spa-ws-template SPA with re-frame, http-kit, shadow-cljs
@dharrigan websockets With Reitit, Jetty 9/10 and websockets-js
@laforge49 sente-boot With Sente v1.11, Boot, works with Windows
@laforge49 sente-boot-reagent With Sente v1.11, Boot, and Reagent
@tiensonqin lymchat Chat app with React Native
@danielsz system-websockets Client-side UI, login and wiring of components
@timothypratley snakelake Multiplayer snake game with screencast walkthrough
@theasp sente-nodejs-example Ref. example adapted for Node.js servers (Express, Dog Fort), and Node.js client
@ebellani carpet Web+mobile interface for a remmitance application
@danielsz sente-system Ref. example adapted for system
@danielsz sente-boot Ref. example adapted for boot
@seancorfield om-sente With Om
@tfoldi data15-blackjack Multiplayer blackjack game
@davidvujic sente-with-reagent-and-re-frame SPA with re-frame
_ _ Your link here? PRs welcome!
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