Recreating my Bootstrap-HTML-CSS + Jinja2 templating based website that I used for with a React + Tailwind based approach. Raw components from ShadCN-UI customized for my use case. Self generated theme.
This project implements the following:
A basic react counter using state variables.
A basic react message board, that consumes an api, and POSTs new messages to an api aswell. Stores all the POST-ed messages from the current session in the board.
A web-app type SPA dashboard with an expandable side-bar.
A detailed implementation of recharts to create dynamic graphs based on random data consumed from the mock-api.
Click-able cards that open up modals with detailed data related to the card.
Various different stunning dashboard components including a 2D match summary for valorant matches, sortable tables based on agent-pickrates and more.
Consumes the mock api at