- PhD student in Economics at the Institute of Economics and Econometrics, University of Geneva.
- R and GIS enthusiast, diving deep into causal inference. Equally adept with Stata.
- Interested in Development and Environmental Economics.
Deforestation and Children: Consequences for Paediatric Malaria and Educational Attainment in Indonesia (2024, JDS)
Summary Stats
{easysum} has several wrapper functions for quick and insightful summary statistics.Shiny App
Interactive map of my favorite places in Switzerland, hosted on shinyapps.io.R-GIS
Raster (GeoTiff/NetCDF) Analysis in R: An Example of Air Pollution (coming soon).R-basic
Solutions for exercises from Kosuke Imai's Quantitative Social Science. Created in my 2nd year of learning R in 2018.