v1.0.0 (DO NOT USE)
Please use v1.1.0 instead because this version has major bug that cause plugin not working at all
- [Breaking Change]
- Queues in RabbitMQ created by v0.1.0 must be re-create because retry/deduplication feature cause queue configuration changed
- Rename configuration to make it more relevant with amqplib configuration, please follow README to validate your configuration
- queue.channel => queue.amqp
- queue.channel.assert => queue.amqp.queueAssert
- queue.consume => queue.amqp.consume
- [Add]
- Add retry feature by RabbitMQ requeue or using rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange plugin
- Add deduplication feature using rabbitmq-message-deduplication plugin
- [Fix]
- Fix bug not apply queue configuration when assert queue
- [Remove]
- Remove localPublisher feature because it not ready for production usage