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feat(ps): wsl1_setup
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szymonos committed Sep 24, 2023
1 parent 01ea1b9 commit 39d51ce
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Showing 3 changed files with 317 additions and 5 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion .assets/provision/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,13 @@ unset __conda_setup

# install azure-cli in dedicated environment
if ! conda env list | grep -qw '^azurecli'; then
conda create --name azurecli --yes python=3.10
if uname -r 2>&1 | grep -qw 'WSL2'; then
conda create --name azurecli --yes python=3.10 pip
conda create --name azurecli --yes python=3.10 pip numpy-base

conda activate azurecli
pip install -U azure-cli
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306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
#Requires -PSEdition Core
Setting up WSL distro(s).
You can use the script for:
- installing base packages and setting up bash and pwsh shells,
- installing tools for interacting with kubernetes,
- installing Python environment management tools: venv and miniconda,
- cloning GH repositories and setting up VSCode workspace,
- updating packages in all existing WSL distros.
When GH repositories cloning is used, you need to generate and add an SSH key to your GH account.
Name of the WSL distro to set up. If not specified, script will update all existing distros.
List of installation scopes. Valid values:
- az: azure-cli if python scope specified, do-az from ps-modules if shell scope specified.
- python: pip, venv, miniconda
- shell: bat, exa, oh-my-posh, pwsh, ripgrep
Default: @('shell').
Specify to install oh-my-posh prompt theme engine and name of the theme to be used.
You can specify one of the three included profiles: base, powerline, nerd,
or use any theme available on the page:
Default: 'base'
List of GitHub repositories in format "Owner/RepoName" to clone into the WSL.
.PARAMETER AddCertificate
Intercept and add certificates from chain into selected distro.
$Distro = 'Ubuntu'
# :set up WSL distro using default values
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -AddCertificate
# :set up WSL distro using specified values
$Scope = @('az', 'python', 'shell')
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -s $Scope
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -s $Scope -AddCertificate
$OmpTheme = 'nerd'
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -s $Scope -o $OmpTheme
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -s $Scope -o $OmpTheme -AddCertificate
# :set up WSL distro and clone specified GitHub repositories
$Repos = @('szymonos/linux-setup-scripts', 'szymonos/ps-modules')
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -r $Repos -s $Scope -o $OmpTheme
wsl/wsl1_setup.ps1 $Distro -r $Repos -s $Scope -o $OmpTheme -AddCertificate
# :update all existing WSL distros
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Update')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Setup')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'GitHub')]

[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Setup')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'GitHub')]
[ValidateScript({ $_.ForEach({ $_ -in @('az', 'oh_my_posh', 'python', 'shell') }) -notcontains $false },
ErrorMessage = 'Wrong scope provided. Valid values: az distrobox docker k8s_base k8s_ext python rice shell')]

[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Update')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Setup')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'GitHub')]

[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'GitHub')]
[ValidateScript({ $_.ForEach({ $_ -match '^[\w-]+/[\w-]+$' }) -notcontains $false },
ErrorMessage = 'Repos should be provided in "Owner/RepoName" format.')]

[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Setup')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'GitHub')]

begin {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# check if the script is running on Windows
if (-not $IsWindows) {
Write-Warning 'Run the script on Windows!'
exit 0
# check if repository is up to date
git fetch
$remote = "$(git remote)/$(git branch --show-current)"
if ((git rev-parse HEAD) -ne (git rev-parse $remote)) {
Write-Warning "Current branch is behind remote, performing hard reset.`n`t Run the script again!`n"
git reset --hard $remote
exit 0

# *get list of distros
$lxss = Get-ChildItem HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss `
| ForEach-Object { $_ | Get-ItemProperty } `
| Where-Object { $_.DistributionName -notmatch '^docker-desktop' -and $_.Flags -lt 8 } `
| Select-Object DistributionName, DefaultUid, @{ N = 'Version'; E = { $_.Flags -lt 8 ? 1 : 2 } }
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Update') {
if ($Distro -in $lxss.DistributionName) {
$lxss = $lxss.Where({ $_.DistributionName -eq $Distro })
} else {
Write-Warning "The specified distro does not exist ($Distro)."
} else {
Write-Host "Found $($lxss.Count) distro$($lxss.Count -eq 1 ? '' : 's') to update." -ForegroundColor White
$lxss.DistributionName.ForEach({ Write-Host "- $_" })
$lxss.Count ? '' : $null

# set location to workspace folder
Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot/.."

process {
foreach ($lx in $lxss) {
$Distro = $lx.DistributionName
# *perform distro checks
$cmd = [string]::Join('',
'[ -f /usr/bin/pwsh ] && shell="true" || shell="false";',
'[ -f /usr/bin/oh-my-posh ] && omp="true" || omp="false";',
'[ -d ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules/Az ] && az="true" || az="false";',
'[ -d "$HOME/miniconda3" ] && python="true" || python="false";',
'printf "{\"user\":\"$(id -un)\",\"shell\":$shell,',
# check existing packages
$chk = wsl.exe -d $Distro --exec sh -c $cmd | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
# instantiate scope generic sorted set
$scopes = [System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet[string]]::new()
$Scope.ForEach({ $scopes.Add($_) | Out-Null })
# *determine scope if not provided
if ($scopes.Count -eq 0) {
switch ($chk) {
{ $_.python } { $scopes.Add('python') | Out-Null }
{ $ } { $scopes.Add('shell') | Out-Null }
{ $ } { $scopes.Add('az') | Out-Null }
# determine 'oh_my_posh' scope
if ($chk.omp -or $OmpTheme) {
@('oh_my_posh', 'shell').ForEach({ $scopes.Add($_) | Out-Null })
# separate log for multpiple distros update
Write-Host "$($Distro -eq $lxss.DistributionName[0] ? '': "`n")" -NoNewline
# display distro name and installed scopes
Write-Host "$Distro$($scopes ? " : `e[3m$scopes`e[23m" : '')" -ForegroundColor Magenta
# *install certificates
if ($AddCertificate) {
Write-Host 'adding certificates in chain...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
wsl/wsl_certs_add.ps1 $Distro
# *install packages
Write-Host 'updating system...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $chk.user
if (wsl.exe --distribution $Distro -- bash -c 'curl 2>&1 | grep -q "(60) SSL certificate problem" && echo 1') {
Write-Warning 'SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain. Script execution halted.'
switch ($scopes) {
oh_my_posh {
Write-Host 'installing oh-my-posh...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
$rel_omp = wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $Script:rel_omp
if ($OmpTheme) {
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ --theme $OmpTheme --user $chk.user
python {
Write-Host 'installing python packages...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec .assets/provision/ --fix_certify true
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/
if ('az' -in $scopes) {
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec .assets/provision/ --fix_certify true
shell {
Write-Host 'installing shell packages...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
$rel_pwsh = wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $Script:rel_pwsh && $($ = $true)
$rel_eza = wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $Script:rel_eza
$rel_bat = wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $Script:rel_bat
$rel_rg = wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $Script:rel_rg
# *setup profiles
Write-Host 'setting up profile for all users...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/setup_profile_allusers.ps1 -UserName $chk.user
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/ $chk.user
Write-Host 'setting up profile for current user...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec .assets/provision/setup_profile_user.ps1
if ('az' -in $scopes) {
$cmd = [string]::Join("`n",
'if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable Az))',
'{ Write-Host "installing Az..."; Install-PSResource Az }',
'if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable Az.ResourceGraph))',
'{ Write-Host "installing Az.ResourceGraph..."; Install-PSResource Az.ResourceGraph }'
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro -- pwsh -nop -c $cmd
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec .assets/provision/
# *install PowerShell modules from ps-modules repository
if ($ {
# ps-modules repo is being cloned/refreshed on adding certificates
if (-not $AddCertificate) {
if (.assets/tools/gh_repo_clone.ps1 -OrgRepo 'szymonos/ps-modules') {
Write-Verbose 'ps-modules repository cloned successfully.'
} else {
Write-Error 'Cloning ps-modules repository failed.'
Write-Host 'installing ps-modules...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "`e[3mAllUsers`e[23m : do-common" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec ../ps-modules/module_manage.ps1 'do-common' -CleanUp

# instantiate psmodules generic lists
$modules = [System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet[String]]::new([string[]]@('aliases-git', 'do-linux'))
# determine modules to install
if ('az' -in $scopes) {
$modules.Add('do-az') | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Added `e[3mdo-az`e[23m to be installed from ps-modules."
Write-Host "`e[3mCurrentUser`e[23m : $modules" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$cmd = "@($($modules | Join-String -SingleQuote -Separator ',')) | ../ps-modules/module_manage.ps1 -CleanUp"
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec pwsh -nop -c $cmd

if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GitHub') {
# *install GitHub CLI
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --user root --exec .assets/provision/

# *setup git config
$builder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
# set up git author identity
if (-not ($user = git config --global --get {
$user = try {
Get-LocalUser -Name $env:USERNAME | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
} catch {
try {
[string[]]$userArr = ([ADSI]"LDAP://$(WHOAMI /FQDN 2>$null)").displayName.Split(',').Trim()
if ($userArr.Count -gt 1) { [array]::Reverse($userArr) }
} catch {
while (-not $user) {
$user = Read-Host -Prompt 'provide git user name'
git config --global "$user"
if (-not ($email = git config --global --get {
$email = try {
(Get-ChildItem -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\UserExtendedProperties).PSChildName
} catch {
try {
([ADSI]"LDAP://$(WHOAMI /FQDN 2>$null)").mail
} catch {
while ($email -notmatch '.+@.+') {
$email = Read-Host -Prompt 'provide git user email'
git config --global "$email"
# setup eol/crlf settings
$builder.AppendLine("git config --global '$user'") | Out-Null
$builder.AppendLine("git config --global '$email'") | Out-Null
$builder.AppendLine('git config --global core.eol lf') | Out-Null
$builder.AppendLine('git config --global core.autocrlf input') | Out-Null
$builder.AppendLine('git config --global push.autoSetupRemote true') | Out-Null
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec bash -c $builder.ToString().Trim()

# *check ssh keys and create if necessary
if (-not (Test-Path "$HOME/.ssh/id_*")) {
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519" -q -N ''
$idPub = Get-ChildItem "$HOME/.ssh/" | Get-Content
if ($idPub) {
$msg = [string]::Join("`n",
"`e[97mUse the following values to add new SSH Key on",
"`n`e[1;96mKey type`e[30m`n<Authentication Key>",
"`npress any key to continue..."
Write-Host $msg
[System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null

# *clone GitHub repositories
Write-Host 'cloning GitHub repositories...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
wsl.exe --distribution $Distro --exec .assets/provision/ --repos "$Repos" --user $env:USERNAME

end {
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions wsl/wsl_setup.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ process {
# *install PowerShell modules from ps-modules repository
if ($ {
# ps-modules repo is being cloned on adding certificates
# ps-modules repo is being cloned/refreshed on adding certificates
if (-not $AddCertificate) {
# clone/refresh szymonos/ps-modules repository
$cloned = .assets/tools/gh_repo_clone.ps1 -OrgRepo 'szymonos/ps-modules'
if (-not $cloned) {
if (.assets/tools/gh_repo_clone.ps1 -OrgRepo 'szymonos/ps-modules') {
Write-Verbose 'ps-modules repository cloned successfully.'
} else {
Write-Error 'Cloning ps-modules repository failed.'
Expand Down

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