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Thomas Bonfort edited this page Apr 6, 2012 · 2 revisions


use pdflib_pl;
use CGI qw(:standard :html);
use mapscript36;

$page_resolution = 72; # dpi
$page_width = 11; # inches
$page_height = 8.5;
$page_width_pixels = $page_width*$page_resolution;
$page_height_pixels =$page_height*$page_resolution;

$map_resolution = 144; #dpi
$map_width = 10; # inches
$map_height = 7.5;
$map_width_pixels = $map_width*$map_resolution;
$map_height_pixels =$map_height*$map_resolution;
$map_scaling = $page_resolution/$map_resolution;

sub error() {
my($err) = @_;

die $err;

$cgi = new CGI();

print header(-type=>'application/pdf');

$pdf = PDF_new();

&error("Unable to open output PDF file.") if (PDF_open_file($pdf, "-") == -1);

PDF Metadata

PDF_set_info($pdf, 'Creator', '');
PDF_set_info($pdf, 'Author', 'Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: LandView');

Build the map

&error("No mapfile specified.") unless $cgi->param('map');
$mapfile = $cgi->param('map');
$mapfile = $ENV{$cgi->param('map')} if $ENV{$cgi->param('map')};
$map = new mapscript36::mapObj($mapfile) or &error("Unable to open ". $cgi->param('map') .".");

Step 0: override any necessary settings

$map->{width} = $map_width_pixels;
$map->{height} = $map_height_pixels;
$map->{scalebar}->{status} = $mapscript36::MS_OFF;

Step 1: set a new extent

($map->{extent}->{minx}, $map->{extent}->{miny}, $map->{extent}->{maxx}, $map->{extent}->{maxy}) = split(/ /, $cgi->param(mapext)) if $cgi->param(mapext);

Step 2: turn the write layers on

for(my $i=0; $i<$map->{numlayers}; $i++) {
$layer = $map->getLayer($i);

if($layer->{status} == $mapscript36::MS_DEFAULT) {

$layer->{status} = $mapscript36::MS_OFF;

foreach (split(/ /, $cgi->param(layers))) {
if(($layer-&gt;{name} eq $) or ($layer->{group} eq $)) {
$layer->{status} = $mapscript36::MS_ON;

Step 3: draw the map

$img = $map->draw();

Step 4: save the image to a temporary file

$imgfile = $map-&gt;{web}-&gt;{imagepath} . $$ . time() . ".gif";
$img->saveImage($imgfile, $mapscript36::MS_PNG, $mapscript36::MS_FALSE, $mapscript36::MS_FALSE, -1);

clean up

undef $map;

End map building

Build the PDF file

$top_margin = $page_resolution*.5; # 1/2"
$bottom_margin = $left_margin = $right_margin = $page_resolution/2.0; # 1/2"

PDF_begin_page($pdf, $page_width_pixels, $page_height_pixels);

PDF_set_parameter($pdf, "imagewarning", "true");

Open and place the map

&error("Could not open image file ($imgfile).") if (($png = PDF_open_image_file($pdf, 'png', $imgfile, '', 0)) == -1);
$x = $left_margin+1;
$y = $page_height_pixels - $map_height_pixels*$map_scaling - $top_margin - 1;
PDF_place_image($pdf, $png, $x, $y, $map_scaling);
PDF_close_image($pdf, $png);


PDF_setrgbcolor_stroke($pdf, .267, .4, .2); # 446633 => 68 102 51
$x = $left_margin + 1;
$y = $page_height_pixels - $map_height_pixels*$map_scaling - $top_margin - 1;
$w = $map_width_pixels*$map_scaling;
$h = $map_height_pixels*$map_scaling;
PDF_rect($pdf, $x, $y, $w, $h);



unlink $imgfile;

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