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Sysdig Orchestrator Agent for ECS Fargate

This Terraform module deploys a Sysdig orchestrator agent for Fargate into a specified VPC.


The module can be created using the IDs of your VPC and two subnets capable of accessing the internet.

module "fargate-orchestrator-agent" {
  source = "../terraform-aws-fargate-orchestrator-agent"

  name = "test-fargate-orchestrator"

  vpc_id = var.my_vpc_id
  subnets = [var.my_subnet_a_id, var.my_subnet_b_id]
  access_key = var.my_sysdig_access_key
  assign_public_ip = true  # if using Internet Gateway

The module outputs can be plugged into the Fargate workload agent data source in the Sysdig Terraform provider:

data "sysdig_fargate_workload_agent" "instrumented" {

  orchestrator_host = module.fargate-orchestrator-agent.orchestrator_host
  orchestrator_port = module.fargate-orchestrator-agent.orchestrator_port

The resulting Terraform plan will have the Sysdig Orchestrator ECS service and a load balancer, as well as instrumented container JSON to use in your ECS Fargate task.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws 3.61.0


No modules.

Resources and Data Sources

Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_ecs_cluster.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_ecs_service.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_ecs_task_definition.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_iam_role.orchestrator_agent_execution_role resource
aws_lb.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_lb_listener.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_lb_target_group.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_security_group.orchestrator_agent resource
aws_security_group_rule.orchestrator_agent_egress_rule resource
aws_security_group_rule.orchestrator_agent_ingress_rule resource
aws_appautoscaling_target.autoscaling_target resource
aws_appautoscaling_policy.autoscaling_policy resource
aws_iam_role.orchestrator_agent_autoscaling resource
aws_region.current_region data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_key Sysdig Access Key as either clear text or SecretsManager-backed secret reference (expected pattern: arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:accountId:secret:secretName[:jsonKey:versionStage:versionId]) string n/a yes
vpc_id ID of the VPC where the orchestrator should be installed string n/a yes
subnets A list of subnets that can access the internet and are reachable by instrumented services. The subnets must be in at least 2 different AZs. list(string) n/a yes
agent_image Orchestrator agent image string "" no
agent_tags Comma separated list of tags for this agent string "" no
assign_public_ip Provisions a public IP for the service. Required when using an Internet Gateway for egress. bool false no
check_collector_certificate Whether to check the collector certificate when connecting. Mainly for development. string "true" no
collector_host Sysdig collector host string "" no
collector_port Sysdig collector port string "6443" no
default_tags Default tags for all Sysdig Fargate Orchestrator resources map(string)
"Application": "sysdig",
"Module": "fargate-orchestrator-agent"
lb_name Load balancer name. string "" no
orchestrator_port Port for the workload agent to connect number 6667 no
tags Extra tags for all Sysdig Fargate Orchestrator resources map(string) {} no
collector_ca_certificate.type Uploads the collector custom CA certificate - The value type string "base64" no
collector_ca_certificate.value Uploads the collector custom CA certificate - The value of the CA Certificate string "" no
collector_ca_certificate.path Uploads the collector custom CA certificate - The path to the CA certificate in the orchestrator string "/ssl/" no
collector_configuration.ca_certificate Configures the SSL connection to the collector - The path to the CA certificate to use in the SSL connection to the collector string "" no
http_proxy_ca_certificate.type Uploads the HTTP proxy CA certificate - The value type string "base64" no
http_proxy_ca_certificate.value Uploads the HTTP proxy CA certificate - The value of the CA Certificate string "" no
http_proxy_ca_certificate.path Uploads the HTTP proxy CA certificate - The path to the CA certificate in the orchestrator string "/ssl/" no
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_host Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - The proxy host string "" no
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_port Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - The proxy port string "" no
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_user Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - The proxy user string "" no
http_proxy_configuration.proxy_password Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - The proxy password as either clear text or SecretsManage-backed secret reference (expected pattern: arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:accountId:secret:secretName[:jsonKey:versionStage:versionId]) string "" no
http_proxy_configuration.ssl Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - Enables/disables SSL encryption string "" no
http_proxy_configuration.ssl_verify_certificate Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - Enables/disables CA certificate verification string "" no
http_proxy_configuration.ca_certificate Configures the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy - The path to the Ca certificate to use in the SSL connection to the HTTP proxy string "" no
autoscaling.target_metric Sets the TargetTracking metric, can be either ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization or ECSServiceAverageMemoryUtilization string "" no
autoscaling.target_value The target value for the chosen metric, for example, if the chosen metric is ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization a possible target value could be 50 (that means 50% of CPU Utilization) string "" no
autoscaling.max_capacity Sets the maximum capacity the Service can scale out to string "" no
autoscaling.scale_in_cooldown Sets the time in seconds after a scale-in activity completes before another scale-in activity can start string "" no
autoscaling.scale_out_cooldown Sets the time in seconds after a scale-out activity completes before another scale-out activity can start string "" no
agent\extra\conf Orchestrator agent extra configuration in YAML format string "" no
agent_log_level Orchestrator agent log level string "info" no
cpu Task CPU allocation string "2048" no
memory Task memory allocation string "8192" no
log_retention_days Task log retention period in days string "0" no
runtime_platform.cpu_architecture The cpu architecture, either X86_64 or ARM64 string "X86_64" no


Name Description
orchestrator_host The DNS name of the orchestrator's load balancer
orchestrator_port The configured port on the orchestrator